Hello, pure-hearted souls,

Welcome to Magical Power of Faith!

In the previous articles, we discussed Yoga, the benefits of doing exercises and meditations, and instructions for exercise and meditation.

Today, in this article, we're going to see what is kundalini yoga, how it was practiced during ancient times, and why it was simplified by Vedhathiri Maharishi then.

Before you know Kundalini yoga, you must know the human mind's frequency and its range.

Let's start:

The mind is a bio- magnetic wave and its speed has been measured by an instrument called the electro encephelograph as the frequency in cycles per second (cps). It is discovered that the human mind's frequency ranges from 1-40 cycles per second.

A normal human is usually between 14-40 cycles and this is called being in an EMOTIONAL STATE. This frequency can be reduced by practicing meditations regularly.

There are 4 stages (frequency) of one’s state of mind:

1. Delta wave - 1-3 cycles per second (Absolute space)
2. Theta wave - 4-7 cycles per second (universal field)
3. Alpha wave- 8-13 cycles per second (agna, thuriyam)
4. Beta wave- 14-40 cycles per second (emotional state)

In ancient times, meditation was considered as being difficult to practice in one's life. As there was a practice to start meditate from the root chakra, it took long years to move to the next chakra for activation in the meditation process. This meant, that for each chakra, it took a long time to be activated. Due to this, many people gave up their meditation practices. 

But YOGIRAJ VETHATHIRI MAHARISHI who spent his lifetime researching all about this found easier ways of meditation process which is now collectively called KUNDALINI YOGA. It means "life energy has no gender."

In this kundalini yoga, Maharishi has given easy meditations to be practiced with introspection guidance to balance one's life by making oneself free from anger, greed, miserliness, inferiority & superiority complex, and vengeance, and to lead one's life with tolerance, contentment, charity, parity, and forgiveness!.

Also, Maharishi has simplified the meditation practices to suit both men and women.

In the following post , you can see about AGNA (THIRD EYE) MEDITATION AND ITS BENEFITS.

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