Hello, pure-hearted souls,

Welcome to Magical Power of Faith!

In this article, you are going to see the instructions for meditations.


There are no specific instructions for meditation like we have seen for exercises in mana valakalai.

But one can do meditation for 20 min in the morning and evening. There are no restrictions regarding food and meditation i.e., we can meditate whenever it is possible.

Like exercises, meditations also have to be done on a mat or bedsheets but not on bare floor. You can even meditate while travelling in bus by just closing eyes and concentrating on the areas where the meditations are to be focussed.

During menstruation, women are advised to do only the "santhi thavam" (mooladharam = root chakra). Rest of the days, they can do all kind of meditations that are taught at the yoga centre.

Meditations (YOGA MANA VALA KALAI) can be taught only by a yoga expert, it cannot be done or learned through learning books. 

Meditations are taught to people by yoga experts by activating their energy chakras through each stage of meditation. We, humans, have many chakras in our body, but only 7 chakras are very important for our life and they are activated( kundalini yoga) by yoga experts when we meditate. 

Hence, doing mediations regularly can change one's life into a higher level of understanding.

💐 💐💐

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