Hello, pure-hearted souls,

Welcome to Magical Power of Faith!

In this article, we're going to discuss Yoga(manavalakalai) and the benefits of doing exercises and meditation.

At a certain point in life, many people start thinking to learn yoga.  Because yoga helps to balance all aspects of life - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually(Universe/God).

In yoga (manavalakalai), exercises and meditations are given to people who are interested to learn it.


Exercise makes people fit and healthy when it is done regularly with correct poses and instructions.

Exercise usually taps our body to regain its original health when we regularly do it with a positive mind, proper concentration, and focus on our body.

That is, first, a person should trust that exercise can help him/her to be fit . 

Second, he/she should concentrate on the parts for which the exercise has been given.

For example, if you are doing hand exercise, it's best to concentrate on your hands as to what kind of sensation you are feeling there. Just notice it and feel it. Don't do exercise cursorily by thinking about something else, that won't work anyway.

When you start your day with exercise, your whole day will be different from your usual days without exercise. 

Throughout the day, you will feel energetic even after doing a lot of work. You will be able to maintain the same energy level all through the day when you do the exercises wholeheartedly. You will not be easily tired and your heart will feel at peace.   


Meditation makes one calm and helps to make the right decision about his/her life. It always helps everyone to live a peaceful life and to maintain our thoughts to be connected with a higher self all the time.

Of course! It happens when a person brings meditation into his life and does it regularly.

Meditation relaxes the mind which is often affected by material things and external factors that are happening around us; it helps us to concentrate on the areas within us where the answers for all of our things lie.

Meditation also helps one to understand what other people are going through, to maintain mental health, to be at peace in life, to reduce thoughts about
material things etc...

So overall, meditation can heal your life because life is completely dependent on one’s mind's state.

When your mind is in a state of confusion/disturbance, try to meditate (for a few minutes at least). It is difficult to meditate with a disturbed mind but if one can try to meditate during their times of difficulty, they can overcome the state of confusion with solutions for those issues

When the mind reaches a state of relaxation, it can think of solutions easily and can get to the right decision to overcome anything in life.

Therefore, to relax one's mind during troubled times, it is good to meditate (for a few minutes at least) to get the strength and the patience to overcome any issue. 

So, inculcating Yoga Manavalakalai into one's life will help one lead a healthy peaceful life!

               💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐

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