Hello, pure-hearted souls,
Welcome to Magical Power of Faith!
In the previous article, we've seen about the beautiful high vibrational positive word "vazhgavalamudan."
Today, we will see how this word can affect plants positively when it is said from the heart deliberately with love.

Let's begin.

The word "VAZHGAVALAMUDAN" has a powerful effect when we use it. The word “Vazhga valamudan” means “live with prosperity“or “be blessed with a prosperous life“.

I know this word since I learned yoga and got attracted towards it after knowing about its enormous positive effects when pronounced “from the heart.“ I here, quote the word “from the heart”, because only when we say this word from the heart it gives effect.
Let me explain this with an example:

An experiment on the agricultural land:                                       

During the time of a certification course on HUMAN EXCELLENCE at Aliyar, Coimbatore, a yoga expert described about this word’s effect.

He explained to us with an example that they have been doing for a while now. They had examined this word’s effect by planting vegetables in the agricultural land and they separated the land by two parts in which one part of area was been planted by saying 'vazgha valamudan' from the heart with loving, positive vibrations and another one was been planted by scolding the plants with bad vibrations.

They could notice that the part of area which had been planted with the effect of the word 'vazhga valamudan' grew up perfectly with great freshness within short amount of time. But the second part which had been planted with bad vibes had no much growth.

The benefits of the word “Vazhga valamudan” remained in my mind. When I came back to my place after completing my course, I kept thinking about it. Then I decided to use it to know about its benefits in reality.

In the next post, you can see how this word helped a dog's life, and also how this word transmitted its positive vibration to a patient who was in a critical situation and saved her life.

Do you have any experience like this of using the word 'Vazhga valamudan' to anyone or anything?

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