Hello, pure-hearted souls,

Welcome to Magical Power of Faith!

So far, we've seen Yoga topics like Yoga, the benefits of yoga exercises and meditations, the instructions for exercises and meditations, and Simplified Kundalini Yoga.

Today, we'll discuss one of the major chakras that are present within our body. That is Agna chakra. It also called Ajna and represented as a third eye which presents in our forehead and faces inwardly!

So now, let's see about the Third eye chakra in a detailed manner.



This chakra is located between the two eyebrows. The life energy which is in our Mooladharam (the root chakra - it is located at the end of the spinal cord slightly above the anal region) is taken to the Agna through the spine by the yoga expert with his/her power of meditations.

When the life energy reaches the agna chakra, the yoga expert presses that point with his/her finger to activate it. Meanwhile, the aspirant can feel the sensation between his/ her eyebrows. The type of sensations may vary among people; for eg., one may feel that there is some pressure between the eyebrows, another may feel a circular motion there, and some others may feel a tingling sensation.


A person has to practice this meditation for one-week minimum, before he is promoted to the next meditation to make him/ her to familiar with this meditation (Santhi = mooladharam= root chakra). During the days of practicing, you may experience a slight headache which indicates that your agna chakra has been activated thoroughly, but if the pain is unbearable then it's necessary to inform the yoga expert and bring back the life energy to mooladharam again where it has been since our birth (this is santhi meditation).

Benefits of Agna meditation:


While studying, if one activates the agna chakra and starts reading, it will help him/her to study with full concentration. It will make them easy to understand the concepts of their subjects.


If you find someone about to pass unpleasant remarks to you, trouble you or hurt you, immediately activate this chakra by concentrating on it or at least by pressing in-between the eyebrows. The person who was trying to make trouble can't do as per his/her wish, their thoughts would be diverted positively and would act on you beneficially.


Whenever you want someone to listen to you when you are making a point, (especially teachers who want students to listen during their lessons), activation of the agna chakra by concentrating/pressing on it will make the people pay attention to you, and your words will reach them and have the desired effect.

So, by practicing agna meditation, one can receive enormous benefits inwardly and also outwardly. The regular practice of doing this meditation will enhance one's intuition power.

Though you can do this meditation regularly, it is necessary to do the root chakra meditation weekly once on Friday! Why? Let's see about it in the next article - SANTHI(ROOT CHAKRA) MEDITATION AND ITS BENEFITS.

To know more about chakras, see my other article - "All about chakras".

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