All about chakras


Vazhga valamudan pure-hearted souls,

Today we'll talk about a new topic!!

Have you heard about chakras? Or why is it necessary to be cleared or cleaned always? 

How it can be cleaned and activated to attain an energetic and peaceful mind? What are the major chakras in our body?

Eager to know the answers for all these questions??

Then, without waiting, let's dive into the article now!!☺

Chakras are the energy centers that are present within and around our body. They look like a fan. It is not only humans who have these energy centers but also all the living beings. There are hundreds of chakras in our body. But only a few play a major role in our body that concerns our life and are considered as important chakras of the body.

There are seven major chakras in our body and each chakra represents an issue/factor/aspect of our life, such as career, relationship, money, spirituality, etc.


Whenever we feel negative or low regarding any issues of our life, then its corresponding chakra gets dirty, shrunken and blocked. In contrast, if you feel positive or energetic regarding any aspects of your life, then its corresponding chakra gets activated, is clean, expanded.

For instance, let's assume that you are worried about your finances, or safety, or any other material needs. Then your root chakra (which is at the end of the spinal cord) will be affected and the consequence is seen in the root chakra's color - red will turn to dark reddish, it is shrunken and becomes dirty. On the other hand, if you feel happy about your material needs, then the root chakra will expand and become pure, shiny, ruby red color. 

Because of this, we need to clean the chakras often in order to have peace of mind and positivity. Chakras can be expanded to any size, but the point is that all chakras must to be equal in size. Because according to the energy level of our positivity on a thing, the size of the corresponding chakra will increase. So it can be balanced, cleaned, and activated by meditation and with deep breaths. Yes, deeper breaths can help chakras to get cleaned and activated. 

So here, it is to be noted that our thoughts influence the chakras.


Let us see the 7 major chakras aforementioned. They are:


1.The Root chakra, 

2.The Sacral chakra, 

3.The Solar plexus, 

4.The Heart chakra, 

5.The Throat chakra, 

6.The Third eye, 

7.The Crown chakra.

Each chakra corresponds with particular aspects. Chakras rotate in anti-clockwise direction. The speed of the root chakra is very slow among all other chakras, the sacral chakra is slightly faster than the root chakra, solar plexus is faster than the sacral chakra. So the order of the chakra's speed is: 

Root < Sacral < Solar plexus < Heart < Throat < Third eye < Crown.

So, the speed of the crown chakra is faster than all the chakras.

The first three (lower) chakras  represent the material aspects and the remaining (upper) chakras represent spiritual aspects.

There are two more chakras that have to be mentioned here which are outside of the body. They are the Peripheral zone and the Divine wisdom.

Now it's time to see about each chakras and its benefits.



◆ The root chakra is the first chakra and is also called Mooladhara (santhi)


◆ It is located at the end of the spinal cord.

◆ It represents one of the important glands in our body- The sexual Gland.

◆ Each chakra represents one of the five elements and the root chakra represents earth.

◆ The color of the root chakra is Ruby Red if it is clean and activated. It will be dark red if it is dirty. 

◆It represents material things such as finance, career, home, (physical) safety, needs, possession, etc.

Benefits of the Root chakra when it is activated

◆ It improves the immunity level of the body. It removes body pain, headache, fever, indigestion, constipation, and improves Blood Pressure. 

◆ It improves the function of life energy in the body.

◆ According to the needs of our body, it converts physical strength into mental strength and vice versa. Because of this, there are enormous benefits to both the body and mind.

◆ It also eliminates chronic and heredity disorders. 

Hint: Root chakra mediation can be done every Friday. As it helps in healing, it can be done while experiencing health issues.

 For more information about Root chakra, see my earlier post about BENEFITS OF ROOT CHAKRA.


◆ The sacral chakra is the second chakra and it is also called Swadhistanam.

◆ It is located 4 inches below the navel.

◆ Each chakra represents a gland, and the sacral chakra represents the Adrenal Gland

◆ The color of the sacral chakra is Orange.

◆ The element of the Sacral chakra is water.

◆ This chakra represents these factors: one's own body, cravings for physical pleasure, and addiction.

Benefits of the Sacral chakra when it is activated

◆ It awakens Extra Sensory Perception.

◆As there are possibilities of getting attached and connected to dead souls, and also of provoking excessive sexual urges, it is good enough to meditate on this chakra for a very small time i.e.,1 or 2 min and not more than it. 


◆ Solar Plexus is the third chakra and it is also called Manipuragam.

◆ It is located behind the navel.

◆ Solar plexus chakra represents the pancreas

◆ The element of Solar plexus chakra is fire and its color is Yellow.

◆ This chakra represents the following factors: power and control over self and also others.

Benefits of the Solar Plexus chakra when it is activated

◆ It awakens knowledge beyond the senses (Extra Sensory Perception).

◆ It brings about clairvoyance.

◆ It helps to have contact with Saints' souls.

◆ It helps to balance the body's temperature and maintain the Blood pressure.


◆ The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and it is also called Anahatham.

◆ It is located 2 inches below the Adam's apple and 2 inches above the thoracic cavity ( chest).

◆ The Heart chakra represents the Thymus Gland. 

◆ The element of the Heart chakra is Air.

◆ The color of the Heart chakra is Green

◆ This chakra represents these factors: relationships, love, emotional attachment, forgiveness/unforgiveness.

Benefits of the Heart chakra when it is activated

◆ It promotes mental strength, enthusiasm, courage, confidence, skills.

◆ It awakens intuition, innovation, motivation, awareness about self and surroundings, and clairsentience (clarity in feelings).

◆ It removes fear, cowardice, and inferiority complex.

◆ It promotes introspection, knowledge to make the right decision, and mental strengths and skills to implement those decisions.

◆ It helps to be free from the material world.

◆ It promotes the healthy functioning of the Thymus Gland and gives raise to valor and fearlessness.


◆ The throat chakra is the fifth chakra and it is also called Visukthi.

◆ It is located in Adam's apple.

◆ The Throat chakra represents the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands. 

◆ The element of Throat chakra is Ether or Space (commonly referred to as Sky).

◆ The color of the Throat chakra is Blue.

◆ This chakra represents the following factors: speaking the truth, communication projects, asking for your needs to be met (by God, your loved ones, etc). 

Benefits of the Throat chakra when it is activated: 

◆ It activates the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands.

◆ It controls the need to intake excess food, but the energy levels of the body will not drop down or be reduced

◆ The energy of the Universe flows into the body and transforms into life energy. 

◆ It improves physical health. It also helps the mind to be enthusiastic, clear, and more powerful.

◆ It helps to understand the mysteries of the functions of the Universe easily.

◆ It provides a connection with Universal consciousness. 

◆ As the brain begins to get subtle frequencies, the level of consumption of life energy gets decreased.

◆ It brings satisfaction, magnanimity, broadmindedness, freedom, wisdom, and tolerance.


◆ Agna is the sixth chakra and it is also called the Third-eye.

◆ It is located between the eyebrows.

◆ Agna chakra represents the Pituitary Gland

◆ The color of the Agna chakra is Violet.

Benefits of the Agna chakra when it is activated: 

◆ The activation of the Agna chakra is the turning point for spiritual awakening.

◆ It eradicates the desire for material wealth.

◆ It provides an explanation for the existence of one's life, and gives the will-power to advance in our desired and rightful path. 

◆ It balances one's desires and controls them from reaching a state of greediness.

◆ It gives an increased awareness of the consequences of one's actions.

◆ It makes the mind sharper and more precise.

◆ As the brain exercises mastery over the sense organs, naturally they become calm and more controlled; there is no fury within and therefore no aggression nor irritation.

◆It streamlines concentration and awakens compassion and vitality. 

◆ Usually the mind acts in accordance with all the five senses. But when this chakra is activated, its focus is brought to work in tandem with only the sense of touch (clairsentience) - leaving behind the other senses. This achievement leads to a state of mental stability.

In simple words, doing this meditation awakens in one the psychic ability of clairsentience (clear feeling) and this brings about a state of stability to the mind.

◆ It relieves oneself from Agamya karma (the karma that comes from one's actions from Sanchitha karma [karma that comes from the genes] and Prarabtha karma [that which results from the actions of the present life time]).

◆ It helps the mind to reach alpha wave frequency (8-13 Hz). i.e., it helps to attain a state of peace.

◆ The mind does not stagnate with factors such as needs, habits, and circumstances.

For more information about Agna chakra, see my earlier post about BENEFITS OF AGNA CHAKRA.


◆ The Crown chakra is considered as the 7th chakra and it is also called Sahasrara (Thuriyam).

◆ It is located in the top of head.

◆ The Gland of Crown chakra is the Pineal Gland. 

◆ The color of the Crown chakra is Purple.

 Benefits of the crown chakra when it is activated

The mind becomes one with the soul.

◆ Life in itself is focused on this chakra, this is where it begins the preparatory process as divine wisdom to reach tranquility.

It helps the subconscious mind to be more aware, and it brings clarity and strength to the mind.

◆Knowledge is transformed into higher wisdom, intrinsic feelings are created, and the secrets of the universe are revealed.

Philosophers, scientists, and researchers are constantly in a state of activation of this chakra.

◆Meditating on this crown chakra often can release oneself from Prarabdham karma (The karma that occurs from the actions of the present lifetime).

◆Because most of the brain regions are activated, it makes us a refreshed human being.

◆Due to awareness, good and positive thoughts are registered which, in turn, gradually eliminated negative thoughts.

◆It is possible to lead a pure and clear lifestyle.

◆When we do this meditation frequently, our higher thoughts are reflected in other's minds and our affirmations and blessings come into action.

◆ This meditation helps to analyze the thoughts, do introspection, and remove worry by analyzing them.

The Subconscious mind wins over the conscious mind.

The mind reaches alpha waves frequency (8-13 Hz) during this meditation.

For more information about Crown chakra, see my earlier post about BENEFITS OF CROWN CHAKRA.


◆ It is considered as the 8th center of the chakras and is located outside of the body

◆ At this point, the mind starts to expand along with numerous stars and achieves a state of stability.

◆ Here, the mind reaches a frequency of 4-7 Hz per second - theta waves.

◆ As this chakra is located outside of the body, the mind expands out of bodily confines and it extends fully to the Universe. 

◆ It is to be noted that our mind expands to the Universe's size when we meditate here. Because of this, there occurs a possibility to merge and act with universal energy. This helps one to understand universal concepts vividly.


◆ This is considered as the 9th chakra which is also located outside of the body and is beyond the 8th chakra. 

◆ This is called Divine wisdom( It is commonly understood to be an empty space and is referred to as the void).

◆ By meditating on this chakra, the mind reaches Divine wisdom. i.e., The mind expands further from the Universe to the empty space where there is no presence nor absence of anything or anyone. In short, we move away from the "essence" of anything

◆ The empty space is nothing but divine wisdom which is the combination of abundance, power, wisdom, and time.

◆ The empty space is deep, dark black in color. Its presence is everywhere (Omnipresent). It occurs as divine energy and supervises everything to work properly. 

◆ When we meditate here, the mind reaches a frequency of 1-3 Hz per second and it helps the mind to reach the state of purity/holiness

◆ When we think or concentrate on a thing, we get its shape/ structure. When we think about it often, we act accordingly. Likewise, when we concentrate and meditate on this chakra (which is called divine wisdom), we feel the divine wisdom and act like the same. i.e., the mind becomes the divine wisdom. (This is called the secret of Thuriyatheetham - one of the meditations in yoga).

( Hint: For this reason, we are always taught to think or concentrate only on good and positive things. Thus our mind becomes positive and, as a result, our life too. Therefore, hereafter, try to concentrate on good, positive, and happy things and make your life and others happy !! 😇)

◆ At this place, the mind reaches its fullest potential and merges with divine wisdom

◆ It eradicates arrogance and illusion and gives the state of magnanimity.

◆ It helps to understand philosophical concepts easily. It removes adversity and confusion from life.  

◆It brings purity to one's mind and actions.

◆ Doing this meditation by merging the mind with divine wisdom brings tranquility, respite, and completeness to the mind. It also removes the three kinds of karmas and eradicates chronic diseases. 

Note: Other than The Sacral chakra(which is to be meditated for just 1or 2 min), all the chakras can be meditated upon for up to 5 min. 


So far, we have gone through the chakras in a detailed manner. I hope this gives you an idea about chakras, with additional information on how our thoughts and energy affects these chakras easily!! 

It is advisable to do this meditation only after it is taught to you by an official yoga expert (MANAVALA KALAI YOGA TRUST). 

But then, if you worry that you are not a yoga student or do not have a yoga center near you to learn this soon, I will share an easy method of clearing chakras in the next article that can be done by anyone, anywhere, anytime! :) 

Stay blessed and stay happy!

Vazhga valamudan.


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