Healing power of water - Water Therapy

Vazhga valamudan good-hearted souls,

Welcome to Magical Power of Faith!

Today, we'll discuss the water, an incredible resource. 

Did you know that water is more than just something that we use to quench thirst? Have you heard of the power of this element - water's healing process (Water-Therapy)? Water gives enormous benefits to anyone when it is used positively. Come on! Let's see the beauty of water in this article.

We all know that water has a molecular structure - H2O, i.e., it has two hydrogens atoms and one oxygen atom in it. But do you know that water can form a crystal like structure?  

Yes, it forms crystal when its temperature is low. Masaru Emoto, the author of the book "The Hidden Messages of Water" illustrates in his book the crystal formation of water. From the book, we observe that water can easily change its molecular structure according to the energy that surrounds it

For instance, if a positive word is uttered/used before the word 'water', it makes bright and beautiful colour changes in the crystal (molecular structure) form of water. Whereas, if a negative vibe from a negative word hits the water, the crystal changes into an ugly color with an unstructured form. 

The author of "The Hidden Messages of Water" clearly states the above concepts with pictures of crystal forms with usage of positive and negative words. (For further information on water crystals please refer to the above mentioned book)

Water helps to get ah-ha ideas:

Based on day-to-day life activities, I would like to share a few things about the time I used water as a significant component during my student days. As an M.Phil Graduate in Mathematics, during college times, I used to take water whenever I felt stuck with certain math problems. I used to intake water with the mindset of getting a solution/idea for the problem. Soon after this, I used to get ideas about solving the problem uniquely in an easier way. 

As a math tutor I suggest this to my students too. I asked them to take water whenever they felt stuck with their math problems during the examination/ class test. My students followed the instruction and successfully came up with solutions. They have happily shared with me their experiences with water whenever they tried this for their situation. It is applicable not only for solving math problems but also for life. Water can be a helpful tool for all those who need ideas for success and peace in their life. 

Stagnant water vs Flowing water :

Being near open sources of water helps one to feel good - brings tranquility into your mind. Note that flowing water ( tap water, river, sea) is always purer than stagnant water, and it helps one to feel at peace. Also, in the above-mentioned book, the author has illustrated the concept of flowing water forming a beautiful clear crystal as it is always pure. But stagnant water gives unstructured, ugly crystal form.  

Therefore you can try to sit or spend time near flowing water during your despondency. You may get some flourishing ideas for your life that can make you fulfill your life purpose.

Use of water when we are overwhelmed: 

We have a habit of saying "take some water" to a person who is worried or crying. Why? Because water can make them feel at ease inside their soul. Water is also offered to people who get cut and are bleeding. Why? This is because water stops the bleeding gradually with its healing power. 

We all know that water contains oxygen. It is the reason why we feel relaxed and hit with unique ideas when we consume water. We all know that for all humans, oxygen is a necessity to survive. Whenever we are out of focus - such as tensed, worried, despondent, our blood flow gets affected, which in turn troubles the oxygen to flow freely within the body. When water goes inside the body, it clears and makes the function proper again with its oxygen and hydrogen atoms. It gives positive effects when it is consumed with good (or positive) thoughts. 

A bowl of water for good sleep:

Water has the power to absorb negative energies. If you have trouble falling asleep at night (due to overthinking or stress), you can try placing an open bowl of water under your bed or somewhere in the same room before sleeping. You will notice that you have slept peacefully without any negative thoughts in your mind which make you dwell on unpleasant things. You can also see the bowl in the morning with some dust covering the water's upper layer. The dust particles are the negative energies absorbed by the water from the room and also from you during your sleep. 

Water - a holy element:

In the Hindu religion, water is considered as a holy thing made pure by chanting mantras ( the words that consist of a high-level of positive energies in them) over it. 

In Hindu temples, there is a custom of spraying pooja water ( holy water which is dedicated to God) on people, after the pooja is completed. There is a belief that this water can remove evil or negative energies from people when it falls on them.

In some Hindu temples, there is a belief system of washing away sins and negativities from one's life when one has a bath in the waters of the temple river or from the temple well /pond (which is taken care of by the temple authorities).

Moreover, I heard from one of my friends that her severe body pain had been relieved when she applied the holy-pure water of a shiva temple on her body parts where she felt pain. 

So no doubt that the water can make miracles for anyone who uses it positively.

Water helps with fertility:

When the water is stored in copper vessels for drinking purposes, it improves the immune system and strengthens the reproductive systems.

That is why some Hindu temples are considered potent to improve fertility. There, water is kept in copper vessels and given to devotees to help couples with fertility.  

Not only does store and consuming the water in copper vessels improve fertility, but it also provides enormous health benefits. Hence, try to use a copper vessel to store the water regularly. You can also use copper water bottles for regular water consumption.

Tip: Copper water bottles are available on any online shopping site.

How to check whether the Water-level of your body is sufficient or not?

If the color of your urine is yellow, it is your body's way of showing you that you have not consumed a sufficient amount of water that day. If the urine is clear and colorless, it is a sign that your body has enough level of water in it.

Use water with fenugreek during menstruation:

Women can take water with fenugreek (whole) during menstruation ( first two days). It prevents them from experiencing stomach pain during menstruation. 

Tip: Put fenugreek in your daily use water bottle and have the water during the summer seasons. It will reduce the temperature (excess heat) of the body.

Hot water:

Digestion: Drinking a cup of hot/ warm water 15 minutes after intake of hard foods (such as meat) helps the digestion process.

Illness: Drinking water boiled with Jeera ( Cumin seeds) during illness such as cold, fever helps in relieving throat pain. Also, it brings back physical health to normal state. 

Removes negativity: When you feel low for a long time or 2-3 days continuously, take a "Saltwater bath" - use a small quantity of rock salt ( in Tamil, Kallu uppu) in hot water. It helps in removing negative vibes or energy that affects you. 

Imaginatively, this method is equivalent to taking a bath in the Sea. As the Sea is one of the natural resources and flows without stagnant, it is full of positivity and can eradicate negativity. 

For best results, use hot water instead of the usual water. 

Optional: You can also add up a pinch of Turmeric powder ( an anti-oxidant) in this method if you like.😁

External use of turmeric water:

Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a bowl of water and spray it around the home.

Spraying Turmeric water around the home removes negative energies from it. Also, Turmeric acts as an anti-inflammatory and prevents any infection.

Use of water with Tulasi:

Add 5-7 leaves of Tulasi (holy basil) in your regular drinking water during the winter / rainy seasons. Tulasi is a herbal plant that helps in preventing and curing cold, cough, etc. It also boosts your body's energy and acts as a stress-reliever.

Tip: You can add Tulasi either in regular water or in boiling water. Both ways are effective. Even eating raw Tulasi leaves is also beneficial. 

Benefits of taking water on an empty stomach:

Taking water on an empty stomach (in the early morning) has a lot of benefits. 

        - It improves the skin, giving it a natural glow

        - It helps to maintain body fitness by dissolving unwanted fats in the body.

        - It helps in preventing constipation, ulcer, etc.

Tip: When you try to inculcate this habit, at first, you may feel uncomfortable taking water on an empty stomach. Start with one small cup of water, then gradually increase the quantity to your need.

( Note: Never do anything without your wish or faith because it won't give you the proper result. Moreover, when you get positive results, you might not realize it immediately. So whenever you start a thing, do it when you completely trust and believe in it as it is right and good for you!☺).

Whatever you do, however you do, everything is in the form of energy. And so are we too! We are always interconnected with the Universe through energy form. So whatever you think, feel, and talk, will affect you accordingly in your life. 

Water is also a form of energy. It also gets affected by the energy that is produced around it all the time. Use it wisely and live your life effectively. 

Use only the quantity of water you require, and don't waste it. Save it for the next generations🤗! 

Vazhga vaiyagam(world)🌎! 

Vazhga valamudan🙏!

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