Self-Therapy techniques

Self-Therapy - Part 2:

Vazhga valamudan good-hearted souls,

In Self-Therapy- part 1, we saw the 8 ways to balance oneself during despondency. In part 2, we are going to discuss the techniques of Self- Therapy. 

You can use any of the following methods to bring back your original energy whenever you feel the need for self-care. I've also mentioned a few methods that you can do by yourself without expecting others' company or care for you. So you can independently care for yourself and feel your strength renew in all aspects - physical, mental, emotional.

Let's start: 


1. Self-talk or mirror- talk:

In my opinion, this is one of the most effective methods to balance oneself in all aspects- physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual - of life.

Let us discuss how it has to be done during your challenging times. Whenever you feel upset, try to allocate time to spend in front of a mirror. 

We all know that the mirror reflects anything that is shown to it. 

Imagine this:

When you stand in front of the mirror and give a beautiful smile at yourself, what do you feel? 

If you are crying in front of the mirror, what kind of energy do you get? 

Now imagine that you are standing like a bold, confident person with a strong attitude that says you can handle whatever the situation is thrown at you. What kind of feel do you get now? 

I hope you are able to understand what I'm trying to say. If you give a positive reaction to the mirror, you will feel the same positive energy. Whereas, if you cast negativity into the mirror, you will feel only the negative vibes. 

For mirror talk, assume yourself as a guide to the person who appears in the mirror, and who is facing the situation like you. It's just like a MONO-ACT. Then start the guidance/ conversation with yourself

( Tip: you can also pray before starting the conversation to get the right words while guiding yourself with your own words. If you feel that you are almost drained and cannot pray, then have some water. This will help you calm down, pray from the heart and hence you will be guided appropriately for the situation!😊)

Act as a guide to your own self! You will get solutions to your situation because everything is within you. 

Have you ever noticed yourself when you console others during their unbalanced times? How active you are to help others to make them feel positive regarding their troubles and problems. Many times, you might have given the right solutions to them for their issues. What does this mean?

If you can console, and give guidance to someone at a time when they need help, then why can't you give the same thing to yourself when you need the same too????

When you try this technique, you realize that you are the only one who understands you the best and loves you the most!. You may also start to love yourself more than before.😇

Try this mirror technique and share with me in the comment section, if you get any positive energy and guidance. Also, let me know if you find yourself as the most understandable person personally!☺.

2. Pour out your feelings on a paper.

For this method, you need paper and a pen/pencil. Write down all your feelings on the paper. There is no need to write clearly and legibly. You can also scribble your words for privacy. Or you can write in a way that only you can understand. Tear the paper after you complete writing all that you wanted to.

If you have faith in God or angels, start your writing with " Dear God/ angels"( if you prefer to address the One you believe by name, please feel free to write that. If not, use "Dear Universe". Otherwise, write just your feelings!).

Then start the conversation with God about your situation, feelings, etc., in a manner of writing a letter to God. Trust that each word you scribble in the letter or paper reaches God. 

The most important thing is: after you finish writing down your feelings, in the end, try to write or scribble positive words about your situation. 

For instance, if you write your feelings about achieving peace with your family members, then your positive words could be like, " Thanks for the peace in the family and my mind, my dear God!".

Why these positive words in the end?? Because it will provide you positive vibes about your situation. That positive energy helps you move forward then. 

You may also get doubts like, "Why did we not do this before writing down the feelings in the paper, as it gives positive energy and helps to move forward?"

The answer is: After writing down the feelings in the paper your soul tends to feel lighter than before. When you add positive words during that time, it gives additional energy to your soul, body, and mind.😇

Tip: If you don't have paper and pen, try with your mobile - type your feelings in the mail and erase them (for privacy) after you finish writing. Or write/scribble on the sand if you are at the beach or riverside. It is a better option for you when you are outdoors to relax without your mobile. Finally, finish with positive words about your feelings. 

3. Share with someone:

Sharing pain will reduce the pain in half; whereas sharing happiness will double it. 

But it is very necessary to choose the right person to share your personal feelings frankly. If you feel free with your father, mother, sister, brother, friends, aunty, uncle, etc., try to share what you feel with anyone of them. Otherwise, you can use any of the other methods mentioned in the article.

Tip: You can also share your feelings verbally with God/Universe . If you trust that your words will reach God in this way, you can try! So you don't worry if you have none to listen to your feelings and respect them. When you do this, you can feel lighter in your soul. This represents that your prayers/ feelings have been heard / received by God/ Universe😇.

4. Doing Exercises/ Meditation:

You can practice meditation and exercise during your low times. Doing either of these will help you feel positive about your body, mind, and spirit. Doing both meditation and exercise will give you more energy to face life in all aspects.

This is because doing meditation and/or exercise helps you to attain peace of mind with positive energy. If you practice these two things regularly, your mind will be in a tranquility that enriches you with mental power and strength to live your life positively. 

Tip: You can also try chakras (clearing) meditation during your low times. I will talk about this in detail in a separate article.

5. Meeting with nature/ try outdoors:

Meeting with nature will nurture your mind. The gentle breeze of nature will ease your mind. When you are near a plant or a tree, you will feel peace of mind. Why? Because literally, plants and trees have the capacity of expelling oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. This means, plants and trees spread positive energy/vibes by absorbing negative energy. 

So being alone or with beloved ones in nature helps you feel relaxed.

You can also talk to plants or trees if you like. Many people have tried this and feel energetic immediately after/while sharing feelings with plants/trees. Humans may not listen to/respect your feelings, but nature and the universe always listen to you and to your feelings!😊

I have tried with the plants at home and found relief from overwhelming thoughts. In all the times that I have spent with plants, I have felt immediate peace; positive energy fills my body and surrounds me. 

Tip: Some plants spread positivity and absorb negativity and can be kept indoors. This can also help you enjoy a good sleep. If you are interested in it, ask any of your plant-loving friends or search on Google. 😀

6. Take a few deep breaths


During despondency, the oxygen circulation in your body will not be like usual. That is why, whenever we have a deep breath, we feel fresh and relaxed.


When you take deep breaths,

 - it connects you with your higher self/ divine

- it balances your body, mind, and spirit immediately.

 - it helps in releasing negative energy.

Doreen Virtue, the author of " The Angel Therapy" book had mentioned in her book " Chakras Clearing" that as a clairvoyant, she could see one of her clients' chakras getting cleaned and balanced immediately when she asked her to take deep breaths. 

Also, in her book " The Angel Therapy", she mentioned that " Another way to quiet the mind and body is taking two or three slow and deep breaths. Breathe in as much as air as possible, then hold it in your lungs for a count of five or ten seconds. Then slowly breath out. Repeat the breaths and this time, picture yourself breathing in beautiful feelings such as relaxation, joy, and peace. When you breath out, feel yourself releasing stress, tension, and worries."

She also added that, Damion Brinkley, the author of Saved by the Light, had once told her that "the spirit world communicates with us through our breaths. When we breath in short, shallow spurts,  we don't receive the depth of communication as we do when we really breathe deeply. Breathing is, in essence, our way of phoning home to heaven!"

So taking deep breaths plays an important role in balancing oneself in life.

Listening to your breathing:

Moreover, in your free time, you can listen to your breathing. Usually, we listen to everything that happens in front of and around us. But, we forget to listen to ourselves!. So listening to one's own breathing helps us to relax the mind and empowers our lives in many ways.

Tip: While taking deep breaths for relaxing the mind, say, " Breath in peace, joy, positive, divine energy. Breath out worry, upset, pains.(You can add the words according to your situation here)." 

7. Water:

Be in a place where the water is flowing. 

Being at the place where the water is flowing will help you feel relaxed. You may also be struck with solutions to your problems or get some ah-ha ideas.

Starting my blog was one of the ideas that I got during my refreshment time where the water was flowing through the tap. 

If you don't have a source of flowing water, you can try with tap water.  

Stagnant water contaminates easily, whereas flowing water always is in a pure state. So there is always a chance to connect with your higher self (which is always connected with the divine) when you are near running water. So give a try with flowing water during your low times.

Drink water:

Drinking water can provide you with peace of mind. Why? Because it has oxygen content in it. For this reason, we become relaxed gradually after taking water during our emotional or low times. Water gives you positive energy and calms your soul. For more information about water, you can check here: "Healing process of water or Water Therapy."

8. Concentrate on passion/ play with your passion

Divert your mind to something which you like the most. The things which give you the feeling that you are in your own world and makes you feel that time flies by when you do it

Transfer all the anger that you have on others, your pain, etc., into motivation, confidence into your passion.  

Let me share my personal experience that helped me in the past during despondency.  During my college times, I was passionate about Maths, and solving puzzles. So whenever I was insulted or hurt by others and was worried, I immediately converted all the pain into my original powers and started to work on maths problems. I use to solve Maths problems in unique ways. So whenever I felt unpleasant, I would prefer to take hard-level math problems and find solutions in my unique ways. That kind of attitude gave me the strength regarding my studies and my life to handle all the pains. 

So if you have any passion, try to do that during your low times and show yourself that you are strong even during hard times!🤗

9. Relax yourself:

Watching movies, reading books:

Try something different from your usual routine during your low times. Try to watch some animation movies, read some motivational and spiritual books. You can pray for guidance to choose the right movie or books for the present situation. Because your faithful and strong prayer can guide you to get solutions or ideas through movies or books. Everywhere there are signs from God/Universe. It is up to us whether we can accept it or not and take them in the right way!

Playing with pets, feed any homeless people or animals:

If you have pet(s), play with them. Pets are angels who always make and keep us laughing with happiness. Or you can go out and feed any homeless people and/ or animals. It will give your heart peace from within and sometimes you might feel that your life has been made more meaningful. Helping homeless and helpless beings is our duty to do on Earth. I believe that it could be one of the life purposes for every human on Earth. 

Dancing, listening to songs, singing, painting, drawing, etc,.:

You can also dance/ listen to songs.

Note: Never listen to sad songs during your low times. Instead, you can polish your mental energy with peppy songs. It will help you to forget the pain and help you to move forward with positive vibes.  

Remember, your body, mind and spirit need only motivational positive energy during low times. So try to do something that relaxes your mind such as singing, painting, drawing, cooking, doing craft work etc,. Keep yourself feeling special!😁😇

10. Change the mindset - Bring the warrior attitude:

If you recollect your past days' challenges and how you overcame them, you could know your strength. You can notice your development throughout your life from it. Always the challenges/ pains would have made you a stronger person in your life than you were before.

So face all your challenges with the mindset of, " I have handled many things in my life so far. So this one is not very big for me! I'm always strong enough to handle what comes in my way. I stand for myself. I never expect any other people to assist me with the pains/situations that only I can solve! I'm an independent and powerful person!."

Appreciate yourself for all the brave steps that you have taken in your life. Keep on motivating yourself and move forward!

11. Bubble-ball method:

It is one of my techniques that I framed for me to use it during unpleasant times. If it is helpful for you, you also can try and keep you at peace!

If you are thinking about a matter a lot and it drains out your energy, then try the below-given method:

"Visualise your trouble as residing in the heart chakra. From the chakra (the centre of the chest), release it by exhaling. Visualise it as being expelled in the form of a transparent ball, like a bubble. You may name this bubble or even picture your troubles as being trapped within it, and hand it over to an Angel (or Angels). Now visualise the Angel flying away with that ball.

You may imagine a peaceful surrounding to carry out this method - for eg, a sea shore, a quiet garden, a nice hill-top etc. and see the Angel take away all your troubles."

 (Tip: You think of a soap bubble for a second. You may get a clear idea about bubble formation for imagination. 

If you like you can increase/decrease the bubble's size according to your thoughts or the situation as to how it hurts you.)

Whenever I try this method, I forget the situation completely and feel free.  I don't even remember the purpose for which I have formed a bubble and given it to angels. 

I have given 11 methods to use during the times of despondency. You can use any of them as per your wish and situation. 

I wish you all have an abundantly blessed- prosperous life in this new year!🌸🎇🎆🎉🎁

Vazhga valamudan 🙏

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