8 ways to balance oneself during despondency


Vazhga valamudan good-hearted souls🙏,

Today we are going to talk about Self-Therapy.

We shall see how to care for oneself during challenges and adversities.

The word "therapy" represents a treatment, and "self" is the individual. Hence, Self-Therapy is a treatment given by an individual to himself or herself. 

So now you may get questions in your mind like how can one care for themselves? Are there any techniques to be followed to care for ourselves? 

The answer is: Of course, yes! It is possible to care for and love ourselves. Here's how. First, let me share a few basic things which can be useful to balance oneself in a hard or an unfavorable situation.

Whenever you are in situations that challenge you in the ways given below, follow the instructions given under each heading and balance yourself. 


You might sometimes hate yourself, you might have conflicts about who you are, what you should be and what others want you to be. This can create tensions in relationships causing stress and unnecessary turmoil within you. The key is to focus on yourself and make peace with who you really are, and to work towards who you want to be. 

When you accept yourself from the heart, you can easily make/take steps for your development according to your life-goals. It is possible to live your life happily and sportively when you accept yourself fully as to how you are! Even this kind of acceptance can beat the negative criticism about you that comes from society. So try to love you and make yourself feel happy about being on Earth. This kind of attitude helps you to move forward to reach a better version of yourself. 


It is one of the most significant things that everyone has to follow to live a peaceful life. A positive criticism helps one grow and expand, but many a times we receive unsolicited negative remarks. 

Ignoring such criticism prevents you from losing positive energies in all aspects - physical, mental, emotional. (Remember: You know who you are, and so it is not necessary to concentrate on other's comments about you.)


Whenever you get negative comments from others, which hurts you in any way, either ignore (when false and baseless) or take it sportively (if that makes sense to you for your development). There will always be some people who always interfere in others' life. When you notice such people, you should protect your energy if you are a sensitive person. There are some techniques to protect ourselves from such things. I have mentioned one method in one of my yoga articles you can check here (third eye mediation and its benefits- Activate your third eye chakra( agna chakra)). These will help you shield yourself from negativity and to focus on your goals.


Putting trust in one's own self helps you to move forward in your life to reach your goals. It gives you enough self-confidence to turn even an impossible thing into a possible one. Also, it helps you to make decisions correctly for any given situation. 

Many people do not realize that they too have talents. It makes them feel inferior and they lose confidence and faith in their abilities. If you too have felt like that, list out your talent and skills from your past experiences where you have been successful. Then pick the most desirable one from it and work on it to develop your skills to the next level. 

For instance, you might have good problem-solving skills. And that you might have used in your workplace or to help other people to find the right solution. But it is possible that you have not yet have used it for your life most of the time. This is when you must start to think about your issues  like how you see others' situations. Imagine yourself with your problems as an outsider and solve it from that place by analyzing. (Tip: You can use a mirror for this technique! Will explain this in upcoming articles)

Also, list out things on which you need to bring self-confidence.

For example, if you want to improve your punctuality or your work speed to finish your tasks in advance, then make a plan for it. Analyze what makes you to not finish the work on time and what spoils your punctuality. Your laziness? Concentrating on unnecessary things? Stress about how to complete your work? Whatever be the reason, analyze and get solutions by implementing your own suggestions. If it works, go ahead. Continue to be a punctilious person (try to be like this in at least mandatory things).


Whatever happens in your life is for some reason to make you understand about you/ others/ certain things that you need to learn or know in your life. This type of attitude helps you to accept the challenges and overcome them easily with your positive mind.

Whenever you face an unfavorable/unpleasant situation, let your mind think "Thank you, God! I believe that this situation/thing is for my good, to learn something from it that is essential for my life to move forward. Also, I'm grateful that the calamity has been deflected from me. Thank you!". 

If unpleasant situations appear in your life often, it is to make you realize that it is for you to listen and learn from it. Do not sink into despair, pay attention to the pain and learn from it.

Whenever you are facing favorable situations, there also you should have a balance; i.e., it happens for your hard work and a good heart and you have to be grateful for it. The most important thing is to enjoy the moment as much as you want but to also remember that  nothing is permanent -  so that adverse situations do not pull you down either.

So never let yourself drown into the happiest or saddest moments, but learn things by listening to them and move forward by maintaining a balance at all times.

Nothing is permanent! - this type of attitude helps you to trust in changes during unfavorable situations/failures and keep you balanced during success. Also, you can be patient to get the right time to show that you are a successful person. 



When you start believing that every problem has solutions, it helps you think about solutions to all your issues. Also, this kind of belief will help you to not dwell on your problems for long but will make you run towards the solution to fix them. 

If you have problems with your relationships - with parents, siblings, spouse, grandparents, or other relatives and friends, then do one of  the following:

1. show unconditional love - by apologizing ( if the mistake is one your side)

2. talk to them politely about your viewpoints and make them feel closer with you, 

3. or ignore them without hating or hurting them

If you have issues with another person who is not an essential part of your life, ignore them before the relationship starts to affect you mentally. Never be distracted by others and their behavior towards you. 

If you have issues with your own life, then think and analyze it. List out them and make a plan as to how to resolve them to live a happy life. Never allow pains to master you. Instead, you master them.

Remember, you might have faced many things in your life, and singlehandedly, you would have overcome them. Think how strong you are! How much powerful positive energies you have within you to run this life successfully. Think back on your life so far and analyze how you were in the past and how you are now! There could be a perfect transformation in you. Think about it. Be active, cheer yourself, and move forward!


Nothing is outside of us. To represent this, the third eye on the forehead is facing towards our inside. It knows that everything is within us! Doing Meditation regularly helps you understand this meaning to the fullest. 

This kind of attitude helps to get inner peace by just changing the mindset from distraction. It also helps to find the right path and reach goals in your life.

Regular Meditation will help you know things that you want to know in your life. The subconscious mind always knows everything. It knows our past, present, and future too. ( Hint: refer book " The Power of Subconscious mind")  


Think and talk about only the things that you want in your life. ( Reminder: Things that you think of often will exist in your life and will persist) - this attribute will help you always to think positively, whatever the situations you are in! 

Do affirmation and visualization regularly according to your goals. These two powerful methods have helped many successful persons to reach their dreams. So why don't you try too!



Whatever you believe strongly will happen in your life without doubts. (You can recall anything that has happened in your life because of your strong belief on it. It could be either your positive and negative experience.)

This type of attitude brings you anything when you strongly believe that it will happen in your life.

For instance, let us assume that a person has some health issues now. If the person believes that they are healthy and will be healthy forever, it is very much possible that their strong belief in towards a health body will help them to soon be healed and become a perfectly healthy person.

So many people have seen miracles happen when they put their strong belief in good things.

Moreover, if a person is mentally stronger, they can handle or do things bravely. It is well known that physical strength is not everything. Here, their mental strength will give great power to their physical, emotional, and spiritual  aspects.

So, be the strongest person mentally, and make your life fill with an abundance of success, happiness, wealth, and prosperity.

In the next article, I will discuss techniques of self-care during low times.

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Have a blessed life!💐

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