Today we are going to see about Affirmations. Well, we all know that Affirmations and Visualisations play a vital role in one's life when it comes to achieving his/her goals (desires,wishes).

First, what is an Affirmation? It is a group of words which provides positivity over anything in an individual's mind that they want to achieve in their life. Usually, affirmations are formed using present verb tense or future verb tense.

But, in my opinion, the affirmations that are structured in the present tense bring more positivity than the affirmations formed in future tense. Why? Because when we use future tense, it is given to understand that the goal will be achieved in the future. 

This makes your subconscious mind strongly fix that your goal will be definitely achieved at some day in your life; but at the same time, it feeds into the subconscious mind that you haven't reached your goal yet. This type of feeling affects (reduces) the intensity of your achievement.

 Sometimes , you may not be able to move forward in your life whenever you face hurdles to achieve your particular goal for which you have been affirming in the future tense.  

But when an affirmation is in the present tense, it gives more positive vibes and feeds your subconscious mind that you have achieved your goal. Also, it gives you hope that the things that are fixed/allocated by God/Universe for you is yours and never can anyone or anything take it away from you (other than you yourself when you feel negative)! 

So in this way, your intensity towards your goals will keep on increasing and motivating you all the time. It will remind you that you have achieved it! Go ahead! Go ahead! You can do more!!

Just observe your energy/feelings when you read the below statements:

If your aim is to become successful person: 

1) I will become a successful person.

2) I have become a successful person.

I'm a successful person.

Which statement gives you more positivity along with hope and self-confidence? 

If your goal is to get peace of mind in your life:

1) I will find peace soon!!

2) I'm filled with peace now!! 

Which one gives you powerful vibes?

Present tense!!!? Absolutely right then!!!

Hence, it is always good to choose affirmations in present tense than future tense.

NOTE: You can also use "present continuous tense", when you feel that your goals are more ambitious than your talents or your beliefs. This helps you slowly start building the trust that you can achieve those goals!!  

Eg. My body is filling up with divine light !!! 


      I'm becoming as a great writer.

I also have one more suggestion to help you make all your affirmations in the most powerful way. That is, just add either of these two words into each affirmation: "I'm grateful" or "Thank you". 


◆ I'm so grateful that I have become a successful person.


I have become a successful person. Thank you, God ( or Universe)!

◆ I'm so grateful that my mind is at peace now!

 (or ) 

Thank you God for the peace of mind!

This type of gratitude statement helps to:

1. Inject stronger positive vibration within us that we have achieved our goals.

2. Provide trust and hope to our subconscious mind that we can achieve our goals.

Then, we will be triggered according to how the subconscious mind feels about our goals!.

That is why, it is very important to maintain positivity all the time to reach/get anything that we wish for in our life!

NOTE: Things will be registered into the subconscious mind automatically if they are frequently affirmed by us in the form of words, thoughts etc.

Additionally, Gratitude is a very powerful method that can bring many more blessings in one's life . This happens,only when he or she starts feeling gratitude towards anything and/or everything that they have had in their life so far. 

Hence, the positive affirmations (present tense) along with gratitude will give us the ease to tackle any obstacles which come in the way of our goals.

When you start affirming your goals regularly in the above-mentioned positive way, definitely your mind will start to trigger you towards all your goals and will even guide you in the RIGHT way, when you trust that EVERYTHING IS WITHIN YOU!

If a goal is affirmed with visualisation , you can see its results in a greater way. 

In the next article, we will see about visualisation.

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