Kayakalpam is one of the exercises in Kundalini Yoga (Manavala Kalai). People who have mastered it, consider the benefits of these exercises as a boon (in Tamil 'varaprasatham') in their lives. Amazed? Yes! Of course ! Needless to say, when I and my peers had the opportunity to learn this exercise, the elders at my yoga center appeared surprised that young people like us were getting the chance to learn this exercise and they expressed wonder as to how blessed our lives are.

Too much build-up for an exercise?😁 Let's get to it then!!! Let me explain about these exercises along with its benefits which I learned .

"Kaya" means "body" and "kalpa" means "strength".Kayakalpam is the exercise which was introduced by the ancient Cittar (Siddhar). Unfortunately, it was not easy to understand the texts. Later, VETHATHIRI MAHARISHI, a savant on Siddha and Homeopathy medicines , started working on it and after 40 years of research brought it out in a simplified manner.

Now, this simplified  kayakalpam can be done by anyone (>16yrs old), but only after they learn it from yoga experts. Yes! It should be learned only from the yoga experts and not by any means, such as from someone who have already learned but is not a certified yoga teacher, or by reading about it in a book etc..That's because this exercise's effect and power is fully realized when it is imparted correctly .

The objectives of this exercise are:

◆withstanding ageing process 

◆maintaining health and youthfulness

◆postponing death.

The systematic functioning of the Physical body, Life force, Sexual Vital Fluid, 

Bio-magnetism and the Mind together defines the complex structure that makes up a human.

Sexually vital fluid

◆The body converts food into seven constituents such as juice, blood, flesh, fat, bones, bones marrow and the sexually vital fluid. Sexually vital fluid is also called as reproductive fluid.

◆ It is the basic force of our body where it plays major role in human forms, growth, functions etc.

◆ It is the container of life energy particles.

The biological quality of a human being depends on the quality of the sexually vital fluid.

◆ The physical and mental aspects of a human body is contained within it . So if the quality of this fluid is healthy then the person is also healthy!

Life energy particles :

◆It arises from the sexually vital fluid.

◆ Each particle contains millions of formative dust/magnetism.

◆ The movement of  life energy particles within the body is called "the circulation of life energy particles".


◆The human body is made up of millions of tiny cells stacked together.

◆The pressure of magnetism creates polarity in the cells( north and south) and this is what keeps the cells bound tightly to each other.

◆Whenever there is a change in the quality or quantity of the sexually vital fluid, it affects the life energy particles and also the pressure of biomagnetism. This adversely affects the person physically and mentally. 

◆It is natural that the quality and quantity of the sexually vital fluid of a human gets reduced when he/she reaches the age of 40.

Reasons for old-age:


◆The size of the Earth is 25000 miles and is made up of soil , metals and chemicals.

◆ The Earth rotates itself at the speed of 1000 miles/ hour approximately. 

◆It revolves around the Sun at the speed of 66000 miles/ hour approximately. 

◆Because of the Earth's rotation, it has the natural ability to attract all the (solid) particles towards its centre. 

◆Due to this, human cells too get attracted towards the Earth's centre and life energy particles are lost regularly.

◆To prevent the complete separation of all the life energy particles (soul), duration of a human's life time has been set for each individual. 

◆Till the time of death, we lose life energy particles regularly and finally it( soul) is separated from the human body completely.

◆By this law,  till the age of 40 there is constant growth in a human and after 80 there begins a weakness !!! 

◆But, when the quantity and quality of the sexually vital fluid of a human body are maintained properly, he/she can easily live up to 120 years

If the sexually vital fluid needs to be healthy, the other body constituents (juice, blood,bone, bone marrow,flesh and fat) - along with the body - should be maintained properly. Children born to people whose fluid is healthy will also be physically and mentally healthy

When a proper balance  in  food, work, thoughts , sensory pleasures and sleep is maintained systematically,  a human can live healthily beyond this age also. This means that none of the things mentioned above(food, work,thoughts,sensory pleasures and sleep) should be excessive or scarce, instead they should be balanced.

The Sixth sense of a human has the ability to understand the laws of nature and it knows to how to handle them . Using this knowledge, one can control the speed of the process of separation of one's soul from the body thereby extending one's life expectancy.

When a person is able to condense his sexually vital fluid, there is a possibility to control the separation of their soul from the body. When the person decides to stop living, he can also stop the functions of his mind. After the functions of body and mind stop, and if the soul ( life energy particles) stays in his body itself, then this is called "Jeeva Samathi"(life without death).

To attain this state, one's sexually vital fluid has to be condensed, should be prevented from any external expulsion and stay in mooladhara (root chakra). This is possible by uniting the ojus energy from the sexually vital fluid (which is in root chakra) to the brain where the fluid is actually produced. This is known as "Recycling of Sexually Vital Fluid". 

For this, one has to follow proper exercise practices.

To control the ageing process , the nerves have to be toned up.

◆To extend life expectancy, one has to unite the fluid with the brain, which is its origin. 

The practice of these two exercises together is called kayakalapam.


For further information and instructions on this please contact a yoga expert near you.

Now, i hope you'll surely accept that this exercise deserves the initial build-up that was given!😁If not, you can definitely accept after knowing its enormous benefits. You can see its benefits in the article that I'll be posting soon.

I now feel that the people who read about this exercise are lucky ( to know about it). Also, the people who have decided to learn this exercise , those who have learned it and have been practising it regularly are blessed(that includes me)!!😊

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