In the previous post, we saw about Affirmations. Now it's time to know about Visualisation.

First, what is Visualisation? It is literally using your imagination.

i.e., A mental process of viewing virtual images in our mind's eye. This is actually a superb-energetic method that always provides us with positive energy for our goals.

It can be done in a way that one can view images in the mind and feel them exactly as you feel real ones. 

Real? Can an imaginary thing be felt as a real one? My answer is : Yes, we can! 

Let me give you an example here to take you to a reality conjured up by imagination.

IMAGINE AND OBSERVE while reading the following :

If your aim is to get a job: (GET READY FOR THE EXPERIENCE 😇!)

"You are getting a call from an institution to attend an interview. You are pleasantly surprised about it
(Here you should imagine your surprised face with your cute smile in your mind)!. Then you are informing this to your family members and friends. They are encouraging and motivating you for the interview. You are feeling very much confident about giving your best at the interview (Here also, imagine your face which is filled with  self-confidence, because positive input brings only positive outcomes😊. So be positive even in your visualisations). Before sleeping, you are arranging all your documents that you need to take with you for the next day's interview!  You are peacefully sleeping now(Here, imagine your face innocent in sleep)! Next day, you wake up earlier than everyone in your home( That much enthusiastic you are!☺ FEEL IT). You have freshened up and are getting blessings from your family members. You have reached your interview place now(Imagine a place where everyone has come for the interview and you are one of them!). You calm down your heartbeat with your self-confidence - you are the best and your talents are getting rewarded😁. During the interview process,  you are giving your best performance (Imagine earnestly that you are performing in a brilliant manner and interviewers in the panel are appreciating your answers with their smiles). Finally, they call out your name from the selected list . You are selected for the highest paid job ( name anything as you wish for)! (Here imagine your face which is filled with happiness). Your family members and your friends are congratulating you!!. On the first day of your job, you are in your place/ office/desk. (Here, Just feel your table and chair that have been allocated for you. Feel all the things that are near you, such as calendar, clock on the wall, name plate where your name is inscribed etc)!!!

Did you feel the energy which is like a real experience from the above imagination?? Feeling happy and grateful to get one of the highest paid jobs??😊

If you say "YES!", I'm so grateful to the Universe that I have made you feel something real from an imaginary situation!!

Did you feel the positive energy from the paragraph?? If you are a person who is aiming for a job , then surely this will be very helpful to you and you might have been fully involved in the reading !! 

Anyone can do the Visualisation process about anything that they wish for!! But only thing is: we should be deeply involved in it and feel everything in the Visualisation process. The energy during and after the Visualisation process always gives us the highest level of positivity. 

You can use this method in the morning and night times (before sleep)! When you do this in the morning , your day gets started with positive energy towards your goals. When you do this before your sleep, it will be easily registered into your subconscious mind. This is because your conscious mind gets switched off during sleep and only the subconscious mind remains activate even during this time. So this makes your subconscious mind to accept your goal without any interruption and helps you to achieve it.

You can use this method in your free time and also whenever you are worried about your goals/wishes.

You may not know whether all of your goals will be reached all at once. But have the trust, always, that you have reached your goals and you will continue achieving it further!! Some people may reach within few days , some may take about a month or even more than that, and some others may reach it after some years. But surely, everything will be given to you at the right time under divine order. Keep faith in yourself and your life !! 

The things over which you have a strong belief will come into existence in your life. You have the power to make that happen. So, think positive and have faith in yourself positively.  Have a blessed life!!!
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