What is life?

 Vazhga valamudan pure-hearted souls🙏,

Today's topic is LIFE. Before we move on to the topic, I would like to mention something here. That is, this article is specially written for the people who are facing challenges in their lives and those who are waiting to show the world that they are successful and amazing too.

Let's begin 😊! What is life 🤔? Everyone has many opinions about the definition of life. In my opinion, "Life is something which has been given to a being to be on the Earth for his or her (or its - if it is an animal or a plant) purposes to be completed during this lifetime."

We all know that life is neither always full of happy things nor always filled with sorrowful things. It is always filled with both happiness and sadness. Also, one can always be happy if he or she knows how to handle (perceive) things in their life (also other's life) correctly. Because everything is within us, we can make anything that we want and we can stop anything that we don't want - which means, we have the power to change anything in our life. 

I would like to remind a few things here: 

First, "Nothing is permanent in this world". Including us! When we ourselves are not permanent in this world, then how will the things that are happening in our life be permanent ?? Whether good or bad, changes will occur at the right time, when they are supposed to happen. Changes are the things that have never changed.

 Second, The Law of Attraction. Whatever you think often, you will attract them in your life. Not only thinking, but also whatever you say often ( to yourself and others) will exist and persist in your life. If you want to change anything from your life, then first change your mindset about that particular thing. If you see things in a positive manner, it will give you only positive outcomes in life which is always favorable for you. If you see things negatively, they will always be in a way which is never favorable for you. Hence, thinking only positive will give you positive experiences in your life.

The third is Karma. In my opinion, Karma is something that is like Newton's third law. Whatever we do in our lifetimes (both past and present lifetimes), it has effects. If you think or do positive things to others, it will be returned to you at the right time in unexpected ways. If you think or do bad things to others and make them suffer, then that also will have a reflection in your life or it will be reflected in your beloved ones. This is something like a warning to you to realize your mistakes which should not be further repeated in your life. Never hurt anyone; even if you hurt anyone inadvertently, it has effects. So try to show love towards everyone. It will be replicated in your life at the right time. Even if you can't show love towards someone, don't hurt them in any way -  instead try to ignore (forget/forgive) them.

One might also feel like they do only good towards others yet they are not getting good things in their own lives. If so, it's because of karma (possibly of the previous life), and through this karma, you are reaching out safely to know about the "real you" and your life purposes. The challenges that you are facing in your life even after you do good things for others say is life molding you to transform you into a better version of yourself. This helps (guides) you to reach the things that have been allocated for you by God or the Universe.

Moreover, if you are a person who thinks like you haven't yet been rewarded for your hard work and efforts that you put in your life, then this is for you: It will be given to you correctly at the right time in unexpected ways-which can be beyond your imagination. But never stop your efforts towards your goals or wishes. The moments of dissatisfaction that you had, the disappointment that you faced, will be resolved. All your efforts will be rewarded soon, one after another or even simultaneously, when you start to believe in yourself and your life purposes. Trust that all your efforts will be rewarded. It should be noticed during such instances that your life is saying something - DO NOT ANTICIPATE ABOUT THE RESULTS, BUT FOCUS ON YOUR EFFORTS. AND YOU WILL BE REWARDED DEFINITELY IN YOUR LIFE AT RIGHT TIME!😊

Many people feel like - "why am I in this world. For what purpose I am still alive in this world. I cannot achieve anything. Also, I don't dare face horrible things in my life that are not favorable for me. I'm unable to make my family proud of me. Then why should I be here more? Why? Why I should be ??" These are the thoughts that are currently going on in many people's minds. And sometimes their final decision is to end their life.

There is a lot of news about suicide. Unable to handle stress or challenges in life, many people attempt this! Here is a thought: why not try to put the same efforts and courage to attempt one's goals and heart's desires????? Why not stand for your goals to be reached?? 

Remember guys! When you end your life without completing all your life purposes that have to be done during your lifetime, you will be re-sent to the earth in any other form to complete all your pending purposes. Do you need it? It is like writing an arrear paper in the next semester. Nobody wants this. Why not try to make the effort to get this life together? 

Many people have many issues in their life. But instead of ending it all, the children of the Universe keep on trying to reach the goals that they have fixed for themselves. They always motivate and keep themselves vibrant with positive vibes to reach their goals

Here SELF-MOTIVATION is very important guys. Don't expect others to motivate you! You are there for you! In my opinion, you are the one who understands yourself the most and can act accordingly. You are the one who knows about yourself very well: who you are, how beautiful you are at helping others in their difficulties, your capabilities. If you can help others to reach their goals or help them feel motivated, why not try to help yourself and feel great!!?? Think guys! You are awesome. You can do anything when you believe in yourself and your life. Your life has something beautiful for you that will be revealed to you as soon as you start to think positively about yourself and your life. 

For this, you can list out things that make you feel "grateful ". Being grateful will bring more blessings into your life. Try this whenever you need positivity in your life. Analyze all things in your life such as having good shelter, proper food, family, friends, good heart, health, things that you have achieved recently or in your childhood, etc. These are very good gifts that you get or have in your life. Think about these and be grateful for it. Being grateful personally gives you positive vibes to move forward.

Only by being positive and having patience, you can know about yourself and your life. Life is a teacher - it always teaches everyone to learn something regarding their life and its purposes.

Life won't stop teaching (giving challenges through which you can learn) until you learn everything that is needed for your life.


Quick Review:

Nothing is permanent and this is applicable to your hard times also.

Whatever you think (or talk) frequently, it will exist and persist in your life. So think positively and make everything favorable for you.

Life challenges are molding you to become a better version of yourself, to reach all things that have been allocated for you by the Universe.

Self-motivation! You are the one who understands yourself the most. Never expect others to motivate you. Help and care for yourself to reach your goals!

◆ Use the gratitude method during your difficult times.

 This will give you wonderful positive vibes within you. It will help you to move forward in your life during the hard times.

Have a prosperous life!☺💐

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