Vazhga valamudan pure-hearted souls!

Today's topic is LIFE PURPOSE. Life purpose is something that describes the purposes of one's life on Earth. We all have heard that we are living on this Earth, for a reason. People on Earth have some life purposes to be done or to be served during their lifetime.

Not only humans have life purposes, but also animals and all other beings. 

For example, let us take, a dog has entered someone's life as their pet and it changes their life in some way where they can find peace and/ or purpose in life. It shows here, that one of the purposes of this pet's life is to make/help that person to understand their own life purpose or interests in life which brings them peace.

Life purpose is something which can change one's own life and also other people's lives (especially positive changes). Some people have personal purposes such as transforming themselves into a better version of themselves, taking care of their family members, bringing about peace in their families. Some may have the purpose of making or bringing positives changes into others' lives such as feeding and rescuing strays, sheltering abandoned children, changing the lives of the poor and needy, motivating people through writing, singing, teaching, healing, etc. Some others may have all these in various combinations as their purposes to do on Earth. 

Being a doctor, curing and taking care of people's lives is one of their purposes in life. Being a teacher, guiding many students' life and being a ladder for them to achieve their aims is one of their purposes. Being a cop, protecting the public is one of their life purposes to do during their lifetime.

I believe you all have heard that whatever is happening in your life is for a reason, it serves a purpose. It will be revealed to you later in your life at the right time. Whether it is bad or good, it has some reasons: such as giving you an additional understanding or knowledge about something or someone, keeping you mentally strong to further handle your upcoming challenges, etc.

For instance, suppose you are not selected in an interview and you feel upset about it for a long period. But then later, you come to know that working there is very stressful, and that the authoritative heads are really terrible people, and so the people who were selected are having second thoughts about why they joined.

Did you get anything from this?? Here the universe has decided to not allow you to experience those things which are not allocated for you. Simply put, you have other opportunities that can provide you with a way to show your talents. But the only thing is you should have are positive thoughts along with patience.

The take away from this is to learn patience in life, to be positive over one's aspects and to be an inspirational person. An inspirational person is one who always has strong positive vibes and patience over their life.That particular incident described above teaches a person all this.

Tip: whenever facing challenges in your life, stop all your emotions and reactions just for a second. Then say to yourself, "I should be an inspirational person and I am !! I can handle this situation in a unique way which makes everything peaceful again." Analyze the situations to bring/get solutions for it. If you are unable to find the solution, pray or meditate on it. You will be definitely guided to do the right thing at the right time. But the only thing needed is PATIENCE + POSITIVE ATTITUDE.

So now, it is time you all started thinking about your own life purposes. What could it be? What are the reasons you are put here on Earth? 

I will help you to find your purposes with some cues. You get to know about life purposes through your childhood activities( ones which you had done with deep involvement). Select the one on which you are still passionate about. If you believe that it can inspire you now, then try it! 

In short, the things that give you the feeling that you are meant do it and you cannot help but be drawn towards it, is your Life Purpose.


Trust your heart's feelings, it always guides and helps you to move in the right path! 

Vazhga valamudan🙏

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