Hello lovable souls,

Today you are going to see "the Benefits of Kayakalpam". In one of the earlier posts, titled "Kayakalpam", you had seen its objectives and basic concepts. I believe that after going through its benefits in this article, people (those who have not yet realized it) would accept learning Kayakalpam, and to understand that doing it regularly makes our life blessed☺. Now let's see its benefits. 


1. The nervous system is tuned up and improved in the body.

2. Life Energy Particles are preserved in the body.

3. It improves and strengthens the physical and mental health.

4. The polarity of the cells is balanced due to the number increase in bio-magnetic energies.

5. The aura is intensified around the body.

6. Heat, air, and blood circulation are balanced.

7. Waste materials from the body are eliminated.

8. Food consumption is balanced.

9. The function of the Pineal and Endocrine glands is improved.


1. The vitality of the sexual fluid in humans is improved.

2. The involuntary nightfall of semen for men is stopped.

3. Excessive sexual disorder can be balanced.

4. Addiction to masturbation can be cured.


1. It controls issues related to common cold.

2. It also controls piles, asthma, and diabetes.

3. It helps to be relieved from constipation and joint pain.

4. The Ulcer can be healed.


1. It also cures skin-related diseases and provides glow/shine to the face.


1. It reduces and improves heart-related diseases.


1. Weight loss can be achieved.

2. The weight of an underweight person is improved.


1. It improves eyesight.


1. The chances of recovering from blood cancer are improved.


1. It cures infertility.

2. The birth-death chain link can be removed.

3. The chances of natural birth are increased.

4. Pain during labour is decreased.


1. It heals menstruation-

related issues such as
migraine and hip pain.

2. Menstruation can be regulated.

3. Uterus-related issues are solved.


1. The aging process can be slowed down. 

2. Youthfulness can be maintained.

3. Death can be postponed to one's wishes.


1. Sleep-related disorders are cured.

2. Helps to get good sleep.


1. Mental frequencies are reduced and brings peace to the mind.

2. The brain cells are activated and this helps one to think positively.

3.  Memory power can be developed. Increases creative power.

Also, one can do this exercise in a simple posture before using food and water in new places. This exercise can prevent the unwanted side effects of intaking food and water (both drinking & bathing) at unfamiliar places. For instance, for some people, bathing at a new place causes cold, sore throat (by drinking water), and even sometimes fever. For some more people, taking food at hotels may not be suitable for them and causes dysentery or vomiting sensation. So doing Kayakalpam before any such activity can prevent bad side effects.

NOTE: Reach out to your nearby yoga centers for further clarification.

I hope you all have come to know that doing kayakalpam exercises can make one be healthy always in their life. Furthermore, doing Kayakalpam exercise along with physical exercises (yoga manavalakalai) can help people to recover from their diseases gradually. 

You can see in the next article how doing yoga exercises - physical plus kayakalpam exercises (manavalakalai) - has changed a few people's life.

Interested people can also check out Fitnazz - a guide to healthy lifestyle.

60+ benefits of exercises for physical, mental, and social wellness, various treatments for diseases and prevention, productivity, children, and seniors.

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