Vazhga valamudan good-hearted souls🙏,

In this article, I'd like to share one of my students' experience with regard to positivity that helped her score good marks in her final examination with self-confidence.

I have been tutoring school and college students since 2012. I always make it a point to get to know my students' strengths and help them realize it too. Aside from academics, students have also approached me seeking counselling with personal issues such as dealing with their peers, talking about incidents that have bothered them, discussing their families, and so on. I have always recommended handling all such issues with positivity. 

The following is the story of Janani and this is written with her consent.

Janani is one of my class 12 students who is fond of Mathematics; she had been dealing with difficulties over science subjects. She is brilliant at math and tops the class in this subject. But when it came to sciences, she was a below-average student in the class scoring 30-35% . She couldn't get a pass in the science class tests even though she studied well.

When I analyzed her performances, I came to know that it was her mindset that didn't allow her to get a pass in the science subject. This condition is what psychologists call "learned helplessness". Her repeated failures in science had caused her to fix in her mind that science could never be easy for her, and she couldn't get good marks in it like in math. 

So I asked her to change her mindset to see improvement in science. This was not an easy task. She couldn't follow the instructions immediately because of her environment which always gave her negativity regarding her studies. 

But then, there were only two months more to write the final examination. She started worrying about science subjects. I again reminded her to change her mindset. I am not a psychologist, and going by my methods, I recommended two methods for her - affirmation and visualization. 

I asked her to do the following methods regularly and with a whole hearted conviction. These methods are internal rather than external, and therefore require the person's genuine belief in the power of one's inner self to manifest changes. 

Affirmations: "Science (physics and chemistry) is an easy subject for me, and I score good marks in it. My parents and teachers are happy with my studies. I'm so grateful for the improvement!"

Visualization: "In this process, I instructed her to notice her face keenly through her mind's eye. She had to visualize that her face is full of confidence when she studies science. The teachers appreciate her saying 'Very Good improvement!'. Her parents congratulate her with smiling faces for good marks in the final examination." 

Within a few days, she was appreciated by her science teachers for her performances. It motivated her to move forward in her process of achieving her goal. She did her best to work hard as much as she could. 

She wrote her exams well. And she secured 75% in science. She was happy with that, but she fretted that she had missed the chance of using these techniques at start of the academic year. But at this moment, I reminded her to feel grateful that she had achieved this victory within just a couple of months with her positive mindset. She feels that it was a happy moment for her. 

Anyway, this experience helped her to know that with a positive mind, she could achieve anything that she wanted to. Now, she is good at handling things that look difficult for her. I tell my students that POSITIVE INPUT BRINGS POSITIVE OUTPUT ALWAYS - a positive mindset brings only positive outcomes. 

Think positive to be a successful person.

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