❌Stop chasing things! ✅Start focusing on yourself!

❌Stop chasing things! ✅Start focusing on yourself!

Hello pure-hearted souls, 

Hope you are doing good.

Today we are going to discuss a crucial concept that everyone of us can incorporate in our lives.

That is:
"Don't chase after things or people; if it is meant for you, it will come to you at the right time in the right way. 

So, always focus on self-improvement and maintaining inner peace

When you focus on yourself, everything falls into place. 

We often see people obsessed with others, some fixated on abstract concepts like fame, addiction, and more, while others may be obsessed with money 💰.

These kinds of obsessions always end up with stress and depression. 

Always remind yourself one thing - that our lives are meant to be lived peacefully. If something that you're concentrating on is ruining your peace, then something has to be changed: either the goal that makes you feel stressed or the way you think about the goal. 

For instance, your current aim is to get a good job and you are applying to many jobs and haven't yet been selected for any. Yet, you are still trying and not happy. 

At this moment, you should take a pause, and think whether you need to change anything in your efforts like presenting your resume appropriately, search jobs in another way, more. Or you should analyze whether your mindset has to be changed about your job/career life. Because we all know that our mind plays a vital role in our lives by projecting the things that we often think, feel, say, and see. So, if you aren't optimistic and need more to develop your skills that need to be enhanced for your desired role, do that accordingly.

Going behind/doing something blindly cannot give you the result that you want or need. Check whether you are going right and keeping yourself at peace. Because, in my opinion, only when our minds are at peace can they function optimally and connect with our higher selves.

For another instance, you like someone deeply, but that person doesn't give you the priority that you deserve, then you should pause here and ask yourself whether you want to be respected or be insulted further. 

If you like to be respected, then stop going behind that person and give them space or time to understand your worth.

During this time, be patient; try to divert your mind to focus on yourself completely; and analyse where you have to be changed to groom yourself in personal development and other aspects. 

And, during this period, if the person (who is left undisturbed by you) is right to be in your life either it can be a friend, spouse, lover, sister, mother, father, and whoever it is, they will be back to you with good qualities where you will be respected by them just as you respect them.

So, never stress yourself for anything and always give a pause and analyse what are you doing?, why are you doing that?, should you want to continue it?, or should you need to have any change?, more. 

Analyse everything and keep yourself strong always. Never lose yourself for anything or anyone. Always do things confidently and trust yourself, especially, whenever it comes to your personal (development) aspects like career. 

All the very best. 

Focus on yourself. This is your one life; live it as you wish. Take care of yourself. Ignore negativity and negative people. Prioritize yourself before others, unless it's an emergency.

Stay strong; stay positive!

I hope this article resonates with you. If it does, please let me know in the comments below. Your feedback motivates me to write more articles like this.

Thank you.

Vazhga valamudan.

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June 4, 2024 at 9:10 AM ×

Awesome Malathy. Very Relevant article. Keep going.

Congrats bro Monika you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...