Peace Management

Hello, pure-hearted souls,

Hope you're all doing well!

In this article, I want to introduce you to a beautiful and simple method that can help you overcome stress immediately and completely. This method was taught to me by life itself when I experienced a period of stress. Whenever I use this method, I always find myself with a peaceful mind. It helps me gain clarity about the situations in my life and guides me on whether to pursue them or simply let them go. Sometimes, finding peace means choosing to ignore certain things.

Having a peaceful mind is crucial for leading our lives in the right direction. When our minds are not at peace, they easily absorb negativity and cause us a great deal of stress.

Once we find ourselves in a state of stress, it can be challenging to overcome it immediately. However, by dedicating at least 10 to 15 minutes to try this method, we can save ourselves energy and time that would otherwise be wasted on unnecessary things.

In essence, this method allows us to experience an empty mind, free from unwanted thoughts. This, in turn, makes it easier to focus on our goals and use our minds effectively.

Remember, it is important to master our minds rather than letting our minds master us.

No matter how long you have been affected by stress, this method can bring you immediate peace. I have named it "peace management" instead of "stress management" or "stress reliever" because the word "stress" itself carries negative energy. By avoiding the word and using "peace management," we can prevent absorbing any negative energy associated with it.

Now, let's delve into the method itself:

1. Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed for at least 30 minutes.

2. Grab a pen, pencil, paper, or any tool you can use to write or type as per the given instructions.

3. Start by reflecting on the situations that have caused you stress and create headings accordingly.

    For example, if you are stressed about not being recognized for your talents and efforts, you can create a heading called "Talents," along with headings like "Happy," "Blessed," and "Sad/Worry."

4. Recollect the incidents that have occurred since January 2023 (you can choose any time frame that suits you).

5. Place each incident under the appropriate headings. Fill in the heading "Talent." It could be anything, such as being selected for the second round of an interview or receiving appreciation for your problem-solving skills. Include any form of appreciation, even for small achievements.

6. Move on to the "Happy" heading. List the small moments of happiness you have experienced in your life. These can include surprising visits or messages from loved ones, enjoying your favorite food, wearing your favorite clothes, or spending quality time with loved ones.

7. Now, focus on the "Blessed" heading. List things that have made you feel blessed and grateful. These could be instances where you escaped an accident, experienced miraculous healing, had prayers answered, or noticed positive signs in your life.

8. Finally, fill in the "Sad" heading. Write down the main things that have made you feel sad for a long time. Instead of dwelling on the entire sad experience, try to identify the core source of the sadness. For example, if a planned trip with a friend was canceled at the last minute, causing a misunderstanding, simply write "canceled trip" instead of detailing every aspect of the sad events that followed.

9. Take a moment to say "Thank you" for all the positive things you listed under the headings of talent, happy, and blessed.

10. Now comes the counting part. Compare the number of positive things listed under the headings "Talent," "Happy," and "Blessed" with the number of items listed under the "Sad" heading.

Note: It's not necessary to write legibly, but focus on listing things under the appropriate headings. Feel free to choose headings according to your specific situation. Remember, when listing positive things, create as many headings as possible, and for negative things, keep "Sad" as the only heading.

Now, let's proceed with the counting part.

I am confident that the number of positive things will be greater than the negative ones. This realization means that instead of focusing on the positive aspects, you have been concentrating on the things that have bothered you the most.

Take a moment to reflect on this. Just a few sad things have managed to overshadow your happiness. You allowed the negative experiences to have an impact, but not the positive and joyful ones.

"Count your blessings; ignore your sadness."

It's common to forget about the positive things we encounter in our daily lives. However, this kind of ignorance only leads us to dwell on one small negative thing after another, causing prolonged stress.

Remember, dear readers:

"Where your concentration is, there your life will be!"

If you constantly concentrate on things that bother you, you will attract more of the same. Conversely, if you focus on the good things, gradually you will attract more positivity.

Therefore, strive to find reasons to be grateful every day. Cultivating gratitude prevents negativity from taking hold in your life.

Here are some ideas to practice gratitude:

- Start your day by expressing gratitude for waking up to a new day. Continue throughout the day by expressing thanks for everything you use, such as your clothes, toothbrush, comb, food, and bed.

- Begin and end your day with gratitude.

So, the next time you feel stressed, give the "peace management" method a try. It will help you instantly lighten the burden on your body and mind. By doing so, you will find yourself on a clearer path, knowing your next steps in life.

Lastly, never forget to be grateful for everything you had, have, and will have in your life.

Feel blessed every day!

Vazhga valamudan! 🙏

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