Tree therapy 🌳🌴💕!

Hello, pure-hearted souls, 

I hope you are doing well! 

Today I have an interesting topic to share with you- it is Tree therapy🌴🌳! This can be placed with the ideas of self-help and self-love.

We all know that interacting with nature always keeps us healthy( both physically and mentally). Some people have the habit of speaking with nature whenever they are in need of peace. Also, if there is no one to listen to their pain, their first choice would either be nature or their pets! 

One of my hobbies that hold value in my life is reading habit and that made me know if this wonderful concept - the trees are healers. The book that taught me this method is: "Assertiveness for Earth Angels- How to be LOVING instead of being "TOO NICE" written by Doreen virtue.

Given below is a paraphrase of her words about the trees as "Trees are amazing healers" under the topic 'Energy Work for Empaths'.

"The author says that we can receive support and help from trees to ground, clear and shield us. She even mentions that they speak to her and she could feel their energies and messages also.

She loves to sit beneath a tree and write their messages. She has made their messages into a book titled, "Healing with the Fairies🧚‍♂️" when the trees taught her to let go of her past.

Also, she shared her first experience of healing with a tree when she was guided to lean against it to relieve a backache after traveling. Very quickly she felt wonderful. The tree transmuted her pain. Since then she has worked with trees to transmute her emotional pain and illness also. When she taught this method to other people, they too benefited a lot from the trees.

She suggests her readers work with the trees by walking among a Grove, mentally asking trees to help them. Here, our trust in inner guidance is very important to find the right tree. We can feel the clear response from the tree in our body and mind. She adds that she could hear the actual voice of tree in her mind as can many other people.

She also reminds us that this healing process won't hurt the trees as they are mastered in it, just like how they turn the polluted air into clean oxygen."

I had read this book almost 4 years ago but I tried the therapy myself only 7 months ago. After I experienced many beautiful results from this method, I have inculcated it in my life😇.

Here is my experience for you:

Following Doreen virtue's words, I decided to look for a tree with which I could feel an amicable relationship. So, I went back to my home garden. As a clairsentient, I started observing my body's reactions keenly then. When I came to a particular tree that has been living in my garden for so many years and has served as a shelter for many homeless puppies and dogs, I felt some good vibes from it. Its roots are partially visible above the earth and I sat and placed my hands on it. Then I started talking with it about my intention of becoming her friend. I also told her that I'd like to name her. Finally, I asked her to give me strong signs that she is also fine with becoming my friend. 

After a couple of days, I got a clear feeling that the tree also liked to be my friend and I named her "Divine Magic" tree. As the vibrations from her are positive enough to feel her love and healing, I felt this name would suit her. To this day, I talk with her whenever I want to and can. I can magically feel all the relief from pain/stress When I sit on her roots and start talking with her by placing my hands on her. She is a very good pain reliever. She helps me to come out of depression and physical pain, and gives me awareness about showing more self-love, etc... Being an introvert, her love for me makes me feel special always🥰😇.

So, I suggest this method for you to try, especially those who are sensitive persons, and those who feel like being alone can try this to feel nature's love for you🌴🏡💕! 

This will pour more love💚🤍 towards you and your life!

This method helps me a lot and let me know if this helps you all too🤗🙃!

Wishing all my readers to lead a peaceful, healthy, wealthy, and blessed life. 

Vazhga valamudan.

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