Vazhga valamudan good-hearted souls,

I hope you are all fine and safe!☺

Today, in this article, we are going to talk about an important but simple technique that we must inculcate in our day-to-day life.

If you are a person who wants more blessings and positive changes in life, then you have come to the right place now.

We always need (positive) changes in life. We expect or think to have positive changes in our lives. Do we ever think of working towards it? Do we ever take steps for it? 

Mostly, the answer is, "No". Because we always wait for the changes to enter our life instead of creating them for ourselves. 

So in this article, let us see how can you make positive changes in your life, and how to make each day a magical one, so that your life will be blessed like you!

We know that being grateful can help us open the gateway for many blessings to enter our life from the universe in unexpected ways. But even though we know this, we forget to be grateful in our day-to-day busy life. 

So let's get to know how can one show gratitude even if they live a busy life by merely saying THANK YOU!!!

To start this, l want you to feel the beautiful energy of the words "THANK YOU!"

So now, say "thank you" ten times from your heart purposefully.

Join here - Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Said it? How did that feel? Did you feel some positive energies within you?? What does it mean??

These words have positive energy and that can create only positive vibes and outcomes.

Also, you should know that each word has energy - positive words reflect positive energy and negative words reflect negative energy. Moreover, you must know that not only the words have energies but everything that is present in this world is in the form of energies and we (and everything else in the world) are interconnected with the universe in the form of energies. 

So the words we say or hear, the things we see, the things we have/wear/use, the things we imagine, the words we write, the food we eat, the water we drink, etc., are in the form of energies, and it affects us positively or negatively according to how they are used. 

Hence, saying the positive words "THANK YOU" will bring positive things into your life. Because it helps to manifest more blessings in your life in these 2 steps

1. It creates and spreads positive energy within and around you.  

2. Registers your gratitude into your mind and also in the Universe ( a form of energy), automatically. 

From this, you see that both your mind and the Universe will start to work for you to reach your goals.

Note: Saying THANK YOU from your heart (purposefully) will always bring magnificent outcomes sooner than when you merely say it without much thought.

When can you say "THANK YOU"?:

Usually, you thank others when you are helped by them, right? Hereafter, start showing gratitude by saying THANK YOU for things that hitherto you thought as being insignificant or took for granted. I have given some examples below. Try this at least for a day and observe how that goes!☺


When you wake up in the morning and open your eyes - say THANK YOU. Many people's lives end during their sleep and they don't have another day to live. But you have got another day to prove to this world who you are and how talented you are! Do you feel grateful for it?? Then say 'thank you' now!


Say THANK YOU for the house in which you live, and for the bed or the mat that helps you have a good sleep. Because there are homeless people who don't have a comfortable shelter nor a protected place to sleep. 


 If you have a family, say THANK YOU. Even though you might have misunderstandings or anger or bad feelings with your family members, you should be grateful for them. Remember that many children and old people are still in the orphanages and old-age homes because they are not with their family. 


Say THANK YOU for your food - breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and all other eatables. Whenever you are in front of your plate for a meal, say THANK YOU. Because many people and animals do not have access to food.


You can say THANK YOU for having clothes to wear. Whenever you put on clean clothes, you can say "Thank You" for it. Because many people do not have neat clothes to wear. 


You can say THANK YOU for being healthy (to be alive). Being healthy allows you to not only help yourself but also others in need.

We have all heard that a sound mind dwells in a sound body. Being healthy (physically and mentally) is something that one should be grateful for all the time. Even if you are experiencing any kind of health issues right now, say THANK YOU to your body because it still functions and keeps you alive to fulfill your purpose. Also, the positive vibes of Thank you will gradually help you feel strong that you are healthy and this will make your body heal very soon. ( For more information about healing with positive mind, see this article.)


Say THANK YOU for the water that you use for drinking, bathing, cleaning, and washing purposes. Because many people do not even have sufficient water to drink in their daily lives and are suffering a lot.


Whenever you worry about your financial matters, you can be grateful for the things that you have already bought with your money. When you say THANK YOU for each thing that you bought and show your gratitude from the heart, you can see a gradual improvement or immediate help come from someone in unexpected ways ( a discount, promotion, new job, gift, etc.). 

My dear readers, another thing that I'd like to point out is that a body without a soul cannot feel things like happiness, worry, pain, etc.

Only if the eight things listed below function together properly in our body, the body (with soul) can feel or sense anything.

1. Physical body,

2. Astral body,

3.Magnetic circulation,

4. Blood circulation,

5. Genetic center,

6. Brain cells,

7. Senses, 

8. Vital fluid.

Even if any of these stops its functions, the body will not sense any feelings such as happiness or worry.

So can you accept to be grateful for your body which actually reacts and functions properly?

You see, there are many things that you can be grateful for and say thank you. 

For instance, if you hear about others' success or some good news about others, you can be grateful by saying thank you for it within yourself. This will help you bring more good things likewise into your life; and, it will not make you jealous (it can even eradicate it )or upset over others' development.  

If you are out on a walk, you can simply say 'thank you' (without any particular reason) for each step you take.

Also, you can say 'thank you' merely while doing something relaxing such as dancing, listening to music, painting, gardening, cooking, etc. 


In my opinion, you can continuously say THANK YOU without reason whenever you are simply sitting or are relaxed. Because this will boost your energy and bring scintillating ideas to move forward in your life. 

Try this simple gratitude technique for a day. Give it as a task to yourself.

This is the task:

1. Say 'THANK YOU' for each thing that you get, bring, buy, give, or use on that day. 

2. Also, if you get free time on that day, recall (or list out) the things that you have in your life or if you don't have patience to recall simply say 'Thank you' without looking for specific reasons.

3. If you get reminded of your dream goals or if you think of new goals on that day, say THANK YOU as if you have reached it. 

For instance, if one of your dream goals is to buy a car, then say,

I'm grateful that I have bought a new car.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Or simply,

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the new car. 

This means, you are actually helping your mind to believe that you have the capability to buy a new car. Also, you are registering in the Universe that you want a new car and that you have reached it. So from this, we can notice that both the mind and the universe are triggered with your positive + grateful words.

Hence, try this simple technique of being very grateful for a day and feel its pleasure. 

Right now, I'm very grateful to be able to share this beautiful, simple concept with you that can bring positive changes within you and your life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Also, I'm grateful for the people who read this article, inculcate this concept into their life, and start to see the beauty of life and enjoy it thoroughly. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Do you notice that I have finished the article with gratitude saying "thank you" three times, just like I have in the example above. 

Why? Could there be any reasons behind it? Does it have any special effect of using  "THANK YOU" THREE TIMES? 

The answer is, "Yes". Eager to know what is it? Have patience😁 You'll see them in the next article.

Be grateful and positive always in your life.

Stay tuned and stay safe.

Vazhga valamudan. 😇 

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