Hello, pure-hearted souls, 

Welcome to Magical Power of Faith!

Today, we're going to discuss the healing power of the human body!

Healing power of the human body?🤔

Yes! Our human body has its own power to heal itself. 


Are you thinking: how does it happen?

Our body itself acts as an impeccable doctor for us! 

But there is an indispensable rule to be followed for it and during the healing process! 

What is that?🤔

That is, we should keep ourselves optimistic, especially during the healing process! Because negative energies and thoughts will interrupt natural healing process of the body! 

Okay! Let me give you a few illustrations of the impact of an optimistic mind on health to explain this concept vividly. They are:

1. A cancer patient had requested his doctor to recommend a medicine for him on which he had great faith that it would definitely cure him of his disease soon completely. But his doctor knew that this particular medicine didn’t have the power to cure his patient’s disease. However, he prescribed the same to his patient because of his faith on the medicine.

After some days, the doctor checked his same patient and found he was cured of cancer completely.

2. A person who was made to believe that he was a cancer patient was no more alive. As he had a thought that no cancer patient could live healthy but soon die, his thought itself killed him and finished his healthy life.

3. Generally, if dogs get hurt physically like wounded, they usually get alright soon. They never bother about their wound that they get accidentally in their life. So their body can fit into the process of healing effortlessly and help them to be healthy soon.

So from the above illustrations, we can notice, our body can do its process of healing if we remain positive; at the same time, if we get the negative thoughts, it affects the natural healing system of our body.

Hence, whether you are healthy or not, whether you take medicines for your health issues or not, try to help your mind to trust that YOU ARE HEALTHY!

Start to affirm, “I AM EXTREMELY HEALTHY.” Say it often whenever you worry about your health.


Besides this, whatever you think 21 times in a day, it will automatically register in your subconscious mind. Once a thought registers in the subconscious mind, it’s not easy to erase it from your mind, but you and your body automatically work upon the thoughts that registered in the subconscious mind.

So try to affirm, “I AM EXTREMELY HEALTHY” to make trust your mind that you are always healthy. Soon after you bring this statement into your life, you can see the development of your body that starts to heal you gradually with your positive thoughts.

Comment in the comment section, "I am extremely healthy" if you believe that your optimistic mind keeps you always healthy! 



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July 15, 2021 at 4:56 PM ×

Thank you for sharing this informative post. Please check our recent post on What is Chakra Healing

Congrats bro Matrrix you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...