Hello, pure-hearted souls,

Welcome to Magical Power of Faith!

Today, we'll discuss how to bring positive outcomes to the prayers.

We all pray to god for something. But most of us pray in a way that we seem to be asking something from God. 

This creates a pattern in your mind and tells you that you do not have a certain thing, that you lack something and this has a negative effect all over.

It is crucial to learn how to rephrase prayers into the words containing positive energies.

Let your words not reflect
the fact that you do not have something. Instead of asking for more money, a good job, or a better house, pray to the effect that shows gratitude for already having received all the things you’d want. 

If the prayer itself consists of positive words, your mind stays healthy and positive. Let me give you a few examples.


 “Dear God , thank you so much for (name here the thing you want in your life) “

This type of prayer will help you stay optimistic and grounded during despondency; this statement shows your gratitude for receiving. 

Hence, all these positive vibes will help you reach/get the thing that you've prayed for!


1)Instead of saying, “Dear God I want a peaceful and happy life”, say this:

 Dear God , thank you so much for the peaceful life.”
"I'm happy and grateful for my peaceful life"

2)Instead of saying, “Dear God, I want a promotion”, say this: 

Dear God, thank you so much for helping me get this promotion”.
"I'm happy and grateful for my promotion" 


  • Whenever you feel lost on your way/ life, affirm, "I AM DIVINELY GUIDED"

  • Whenever you fear something , affirm, "I AM DIVINELY PROTECTED"

  • Whenever you seek help, affirm, "I AM DIVINELY HELPED"

  • Whenever you worry about your life, affirm, "I AM BLESSED". 

Comment in the comment section, "I'm blessed" if your prayers have been answered.

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