Hello, pure-hearted souls,

Welcome to Magical Power of Faith!

Today, we'll talk about the Subconscious mind in a detailed manner.

Already we've seen briefly about the subconscious mind in one of my earlier posts (HOW TO BE POSITIVE DURING HARD TIMES?)

Now we shall look into the concept of the subconscious mind elaborately with a few examples.

For instance, if you freqeuntly think that everyone around you doesn't like you, then you could feel the exact same though the people around you are casual and behave normally toward you. 

◆When a thing is registered 
in the subconscious mind, it is a little difficult to erase it.

It is for this reason that we are asked to think positive all the time and this positivity will help us to get positive results in life. If we have pessimistic thoughts, then the results would also be the same. However, the negative registrations can be erased with some efforts of being optimistic. 

◆Next, the memories of the past have been stored in the subconscious mind

For example, if you remember your last year's birthday celebration, it obviously comes from your subconscious mind. Likewise, if you still get angry about something which reminds you of a person who is related to it, then it also means that it is registered in your subconscious mind. 

◆Okay, to make it vivid, let me ask you a question, “what was the color of your dress on January 29, 2018?. Can you figure it out? I would say, 
most probably, the answer is NO. Because it is not registered in the mind. We usually never keep these trivial things in mind. 

But if you can say YES, then there might be some incidents that are related to that day. Maybe, on that day you had a farewell at your college or you might have worn the same colored dress with your friends which is memorable to you and so, it has registered in your subconscious 

mind and sends you the answer. 

Anyway, if that particular day is memorable to you, then you may be able to say YES to the above question. Otherwise, that’s not possible.

The subconscious mind never takes rest – it is indefatigable! Even when we sleep, it works; it's the one that controls our involuntary body functions, like, blood circulation, digestion, etc., that happen all the time within the body.

The Subconscious mind does play a very significant role in our lives physically and mentally. 

That's why, if you register (usually done mentally) anything positively in the subconscious mind, it gives positive results physically also!😊This concept works for all positive-minded people who won their battle against diseases ( if you need a clear idea about healing, go to my post HEALING POWER OF THE HUMAN BODY ).

◆So, if you want to register something positively in the subconscious mind towards which you are working, then affirm before your sleeping time, i.e., just before you are ready to close your eyes to sleep, use affirmations.

◆For instance, you feel there is no peace in your life. Then just before going to bed use the following words:

"I'm so grateful for my peaceful life". Or if you feel uneasy to say these many words during sleeping time, then simply use the word PEACE!!! 

As you need to register good things in your subconscious mind, you can affirm either statements or words, it's up to you! But use only the words that provide positive vibrations ☺. 

◆In the same manner, if you are worried about health, then use the words, 
"I am healthy" or "health(y)", and for job or prosperity related things, use the word, "wealth". So, you can use any words positively that you like to have in your life.

What would you like to register in your subconscious mind now? Let me know in the comment section!😊

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