Chakra clearing

Vazhga valamudan pure-hearted souls,

In the previous article, we had discussed the chakras and their benefits; doing meditation and taking a few deep breaths can clean and activate your chakras.

Now we are going to discuss another way to clear chakras: "the Visualization method to clear chakra."

I have chosen one of the visualization methods named "White light" from the book titled, "CHAKRA CLEARING - Awakening your spiritual power to know and heal", written by the Angel therapy author, a clairvoyant, Doreen Virtue. 

She has given many methods to clear chakras, and I have chosen this particular one which I found very effective with my own experiences.

I'm sure that the White light method can help you clear your chakras easily and keep you energetic and at peace always.

Why I have chosen this method from the aforementioned book?

I came across this beautiful visualization method a few years ago and I found it beneficial during the time of my despondency. I have started using this method whenever I could not find time to do meditation, when I was feeling low. I could do it anytime - morning, evening, before sleep; and anywhere - on the way to the temple, etc.. I enjoy the moments with this method to keep myself at peace and connect with my higher self. I also referred this method to people who came up to me to talk/ share about uncomfortable circumstances or any other issues in their life. They too, happily informed that chakra clearing helped them to lead a happy life. For some people, it even changed their lives into blessed ones. So now, I am guided to share the same short method with you all!! 😇 ( Special Thanks to divine wisdom, and Doreen virtue)

When can this method be followed? 

It can be done by anyone anywhere anytime. This means you can make use of this method during your busy schedule or working time or even during everyday activities such as brushing, standing in a queue, cooking, bathing, etc.. You can also use this method before attending important meetings and interviews to reveal/display your talents perfectly. 


How to clear chakras with visualization? 

In the words of Doreen Virtue,

"White light:

In your mind's eye, see a large beam of bright, crystal-white light coming into the top of your head. Make the light as bright as you can imagine, like dozens of halogen lightbulbs.

See the light penetrating the inside of the top of your head, clearing away any darkness or dimness from your chakras: the crown at the top of your head, your ear chakras at the sides of your head, your third eye between your two physical eyes, your throat chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra behind your navel, your sacral chakra a few inches below your navel, and your root chakra at the base of your spine.

With your mind's eye, watch as all of the chakras become illuminated and perfectly balanced in size." 

(Hint: In this method, she mentions the Ear chakra as she considers it as one of the major chakras in our body. 

A Brief note about Ear chakra for your convenience: 

It is located at the sides (left and right) of the head. It represents Divine communication and what we hear(d). It awakens clairaudience (clear hearing) when activated. The color of the Ear chakra is reddish-violet.)

How much time will this method take? 

This process can take less than a minute

So you can make use of this method whenever you feel low and you can see immediate results that clear away the negative energies and vibes that affect you. 

What inspired me to inculcate this method in my life? 

In the same book, Doreen virtue describes one of her beautiful experiences of a miracle that occurred after she cleared her chakras outdoor that inspired me to inculcate this effective method as a habit in my life. 

Here is her experience for you: 

"One day, I had a miracle occur when I clear my chakras at the beach. My husband, Michael, and I were at a Newport Beach quartz rock jetty called  "the wedge" I wanted to sit on the wedge rocks and meditate. We carefully selected a high, flat stone on which to sit, since high surf pounded lower areas of the wedge.

After sitting down, I took several deep breaths with my eyes closed. I visualized a bright, diamond-white light cleansing my chakras. As I enjoyed the beauty of the clear and bright colors of each chakra, I felt heart- swelling gratitude for life. The love I felt for everyone and everything enveloped me in warmth. Simultaneously, I enjoyed the surf spray, which cooled my sun-kissed skin, Everything is so perfect, I sighed, as I opened my eyes and stretched.

As Michael and I turned to climb down from our perch, I saw a bright object next to me. It was a bouquet! I marveled at how a fresh bunch of purple orchids and a fuchsia rosebud, tied with a bright pink ribbon, could have escaped our attention as we sat on the rock.

Michael didn't bring the flowers with him, since he was wearing only a thin tank top and shorts, with no place to hide a surprise. There were no other people close to us on the wedge who could have dropped the bouquet. And the flowers were too fresh to have been on the rocks long, especially in the mid-afternoon heat.

As Michael and I walked along the beach with our miracle bouquet, my inner voice explained that the flowers were a heavenly gift to honor my experience of universal love. I also heard, " Happy Birthday, Doreen," which brought a smile to my face, since the next day was my birthday. 

I now keep the dried petals of my miracle bouquet in my office as a reminder to say clear in all ways; my chakras, my intentions, and my love. My prayer is that you will choose to enjoy the benefits of clear living as well!

- Love and Angelic Blessings, Doreen virtue."


I wish you all to clear chakras often and experience many beautiful things in your life. 

Vazhga valamudan!😇

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