The Magic


Vazhga valamudan pure-hearted souls, 


I hope you are all staying safe.


Today we are going to see the second part of gratitude. I believe that the previous article helped you to know the impact of being grateful (saying thank you often) in your life. I also had suggested a task (saying thank you) to be followed for a day and to check how the day had gone. 


Also, being grateful at despondent times can change the energy/mindset of the person to a high vibration state. This helps anyone to overcome his/her situations, and work on them to bring blessings into their lives. 


In this article, we will see some more concepts about gratitude that inspired me a lot and helped me to become a more grateful person in my life than I was before.


Being a contended person I always feel happy for small things in my life and say thank you, even to my parents whenever they do me a favour. But when I read a book named "the Magic" written by Rhonda Byrne, the degree of gratitude in my life has increased immensely, and that helped me see many positive changes in me and also in my life. My experiences gave me confidence to share these concepts to my sister, friends, and relatives. They also have started to see many positive changes in their life. 


So I would like to share a few concepts to you, my dear readers, from the above-mentioned book. I believe that it will definitely help everyone who reads it and wants to change his or her life into a happier, wealthier, and healthier one. In short, your life is going to be a blessed and magical one once you start inculcating these concepts into your life. 


Now it's time to see some concepts of the book one by one that inspired me a lot.


1.Thank you, thank you, thank you:


In the previous article, I concluded it with my gratitude by saying thank you 3 times.  Let me explain its reason here:


In the book "the Magic", it is mentioned that saying THANK YOU 3 times symbolises "creation". Therefore, it is effective to say "Thank you" thrice after/before the statement of the goal that we want to reach or achieve.


The book explains this by means of an example. The coming together of a male and a female leads to the creation of a baby. This is the power of the magic number 3 which stands for " a new creation" or "formation".


So when you say Thank you, thank you, thank you(3 times) for the things that you want, then you are actually helping your desires to start their process of creation. 


For example:

a) I'm grateful that I am a healthy person . Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Or simply,


Thank you, thank you, thank you that I'm extremely healthy always. 


When you do this, you are creating the vibes within your mind and the Universe that you are already healthy and you are enjoying your healthy body. Hence, this will make your body and Universe understand that you like to be healthy always and so it has to be provided for you till you want.


b) I'm grateful to live a happy life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.




Thank you, thank you, thank you for this happy life. 


From this example, you are registering that you are actually living and enjoying your happy life. This will make your mind and the Universe to act accordingly, like providing for your every need in your life to keep yourself happy all the time.


2. Cues are everywhere! Play with the Universe


The aforesaid author talked about signs (cues) and interactions with the universe. Every day, the Universe sends signs for us to be grateful in our life to get more blessings. 


For instance, whenever you see people happy, say ' thank you, thank you, thank you for my happiness'. 


Likewise, whenever you see people standing in the queue at ATMs, say 'Thank you, thank you, thank you for my money' (even if you might not have much of it). Whenever you see people in hospitals or those who need healing/hospitalization, say 'Thank you, thank you, thank you for his/her health and my health'. 


You may ask me, why do WE say 'Thank you' when others are happy or need healing. The reason is: the things that you are seeing are the signs from the universe that you are about to attain those things (if you don't have) and reminder to be grateful (if you already have them, such as being healthy or doing financial better).


Tips: Let me share here a few things that I added into this concept. Whenever you say thank you (either aloud or silent) for the cues you get, you can add something like 'thank you, thank you, thank you for my happiness and my family's happiness'. If you are a person whose happiness depends on your family's too, you can do this whenever you feel the cue is for your family also. 


Secondly, some people believe that whenever people compliment them about their things, the wish/remark affects the complimented thing negatively. They believe in the evil eye and feel that the thing might break down, be damaged, and/or its efficiency could be lessened in some way.


For instance, if someone has bought a new sofa, and you compliment that their sofa is so beautiful, then they would consider your words as psychic attacks and start to expect that the sofa would be damaged very soon in unexpected ways. And finally, the same thing can be observed happening under the law of attraction (the buyer of the sofa attracts what they keep thinking about).

You all know what the result would be. The person would think that whatever has happened is because of your compliment/ words of admiration.


Just to avoid all these kinds of vibrations, in the described statement, “Thank you, thank you, thank you for my sofa", you can simply add the words, 'for her new sofa and Vazhga valamudan'. Here, for your gratitude: the words 'thank you' create the sofa for you (you may get a sofa if you don't have one; or if you have plans to get a new one, it's a sign that you are going to get a one soon; and if you already own a sofa, it will protect your sofa from damage and bring new things into your life that you want). For your concern with neighbor's sofa: the words ‘thank you’ and ‘vazhga valamudan’ protect the sofa from unwanted energies and damage. Also, your gratitude for the neighbour's sofa will scatter positive vibes into their minds. So there will now be complete peaceful protection for everyone and everything involved in the situation.

3. Change negativity into positivity:


This concept talks about changing negative thoughts into positive ones immediately. Remember how we say - "instead of worrying, just pray". In the same way, instead of thinking about the consequences of a situation in a negative way, learn to turn it into a positive vibe. 


For instance, if you have a plan, and you are hesitant to do that, it takes time to begin. During this time, you will begin to worry that you couldn't start your plan. Isn't that so? Here, instead of worrying, immediately tell yourself (your mind), "Thank you, thank you, thank you for making me do (or finish) the work perfectly". 


When you say this, you can notice that you will get a positive energy to start the work, mentally and also physically. 


The statement above shows the use of gratitude thrice and it represents the creation process of the thing that you are concerned with. These positive words make everything favorable for you to finish the decided plan accordingly. You can clearly see the gateway to finish your work properly. 


4. Gratitude about Financial things:


Whenever you worry about your money / financial status, remind yourself about the things your family has been able to afford until now. Say thank you, thank you, thank you for each thing you and/or your family have bought. This will increase your positive energy on finances and help you to not sink in negativity. Because, if you have negative thoughts, worry, jealousy, or any other kind of unpleasant thoughts concerning money, it will lower your current financial status. Hence, whenever, you begin worry about or need money, do this:


If you need money to buy a thing, then immediately say, 'Thank you, thank you, thank you for the money'. When you say this, you are creating the process of paying for that thing. Also, in your free time, take all your paid bills and write down on them, 'Thank you, it is paid'. Do this, whenever you pay for things and increase your gratitude towards your financial matters. It will show you the ways to increase your financial status.


Moreover, if you are paying online, and receive receipts through an email, forward the email to yourself with the subject "thank you, it is paid".


5. Gratitude on health:


Whenever you feel sick and worry about your health, you can be grateful for your other bodily functions that work perfectly. In the previous article, I have mentioned 8 points that are significant for one to feel alive and experience everything through the body. For more information about health you can read this topic and keep yourself positive regarding your health.


Remember! Your positive mind can heal any issues in your body. It's up to you to get healing powers with your positive mind. Allow your body to heal itself with its own magic.


6. Magical Footsteps:


In the book ‘the Magic’, the author mentions that one can say 'thank you' while walking even in our homes, for each footstep that we take to reach our rooms. 


This one will increase your positive energy within you and fill your day with magic. Try it!  


Also, the author talks about Einstein's gratitude of saying THANK YOU at least 100 times a day. He was grateful towards all things, whether small or big. He was grateful for everything and everyone that helped him.


Hence, being grateful will not help oneself but also others who surround you. See everything with a grateful mind and heart. Show your gratitude everyday for everything and get rewarded accordingly. You will be rewarded unexpectedly for your needs. 


Being grateful will make you a blessed person and it will even show you as an incredible and inspirational person to everyone.


I'm so grateful that I'm able to write articles on this topic. Thank you, thank you, thank you for my articles that help people who read them to live a blessed, healthy life forever. 


Last but not the least, Thank you, thank you, thank you for the author of 'The Magic' book who shares these beautiful concepts with the world and to my beloved sister who gave me that book to read😇


Vazhga valamudan.


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