


Vazhga valamudan pure-hearted souls,

I hope you are all safe🙂

Today, we are going to discuss why it is prominent to give preference (care and love) to oneself.

You can call it self-care, self-love, self-preference, etc. 

It is common to expect special preference or care from others for you. But do you ever think of doing the same for yourself?? Do you always give (special) preference to yourself in all aspects?? Are you doing things from the heart (or doing for the sake of others)?? Do you live your life for yourself and your happiness (or for others and their happiness)?

If you are a person who answers the above questions with a "No", then this article is solely for you! If you are a person who already follows your heart and gives special preference to yourself, then I appreciate your care towards self!👏👏👏

Okay, now, my readers who need self-care,  let me start off with a question about your daily routine!

What do you do as soon as you open your eyes from last night's sleep to start the day?

Usually, you wish others in the morning. Hereafter, wish yourself first in the morning and see how the day proceeds🙂

The question is, how can you wish yourself?🤔 After getting up from the bed, move to the mirror. Say with a smile, "Very Good morning, (your name)". Talk about your day's plan as though you have already reached them successfully  (with 3 times thank you for each plan) and congratulate yourself for the achievement. Doing this will make you start your work with a positive mind and energy and help you finish it successfully within the day. You can then happily wish other people at your home! 

So, start your day with your smile and love towards you. This makes you spread love towards everyone else around you too😇

Next, what do you do first when you take your mobile in the morning??🤔 How many of you take your mobile in the morning to respond to others? Why not give the same importance to yourself????

So if you are a person who takes your mobile for wishing or responding to other people in the morning first, then this is for you! 👇

Try to inculcate the following for a day and notice any positive changes that occur in your day. If you feel it works for you, you can continue further. 

Step 1: Save your number with your name on your mobile.

Step 2: Type morning wishes for you as how you do for others. Add a few words in it that you are going to be grateful for. 

Also, add a few things that you want in the day, and do this as though you have already achieved those successfully and peacefully. You can use the below format and change it according to your day!

"Good morning, (your name)😇! I wish you a magical day. Thank you, thank you, thank you for  the successful meeting. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the magical health. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the peaceful family. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the food, water, clothes, and protection today. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the confidence. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the success, happiness, etc., (you can add as many as you want in the list for that day). Vazhga Valamudan."

Step 3: Send the message to yourself! If you cannot do that on your phone, send yourself an email with the subject line - "Have a blessed day, (your name)😇". Or simply type the message and keep it as a draft. Our aim is to send positive vibrations + love + care to yourself first in the morning. That's what matters🙃 So never bother about other issues and keep yourself happy all the time😉

Step 4: After doing these steps, if you feel like responding to the messages awaiting a reply, proceed with it. 

If not, wait until you feel like it. Don't compel yourself to respond to messages immediately. Always try to respect your feelings and act accordingly. Gently care for yourself and keep yourself motivated. This leads you to automatically respect others and their feelings with more compassion.

Once you start to love yourself, you can notice that people around you start to understand you, feel comfortable with you, and care for you a lot more than before.

Calling your name: 

Have you ever called yourself by your name? Use your name often. This will make you feel very special.

Whenever I call my name, inadvertently I start to smile. I love my smile. My smile makes me want to keep myself happy all the time. Hence, to make this happen, I started to fix this objective in my mind before and after sleep. 

This helps me to stay away from many unwanted things/ situations/ energies from my day and therefore, from my life. 

As a sensitive person, a single statement - "My aim is to keep myself happy and at peace", helps me confront situations and emotions adroitly. When you start to help yourself see the happiness within and for yourself, you will be automatically guided to learn or inculcate a few good things in your life to follow, and to see yourself and others happy always!!🙂

Following the tips mentioned above will rejuvenate you in the mornings in a more positive way and help you start your day in a blessed way.

When I inculcated this method, I started seeing many changes in my life. Also, when I suggested these above methods to people around me, they also started experiencing many positive changes in their life.

Now, it's your turn to feel and see positive changes in your life😊😇

Never think that giving self-care is a selfish thing to do. There is a huge difference between self-care and selfishness. 

We will discuss it in the next article.

See you soon!

I wish all my readers the power to see positive changes in their life very soon along with their cute smiles🙃😇

Wish the world to be filled with peace and love everywhere!!

Vazhga valamudan.

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