Self-care is not selfish


Vazhga valamudan pure-hearted souls,

I hope you all are safe!

In the previous article, we discussed a few ways of giving self-love to oneself in the morning (soon after waking up) that can help to start a day happily!

Many people are ambiguous about the meaning of self-care. Also, there is a myth that giving self-love (priority) to oneself is selfishness.


So, in this article, we will see the difference between the selfish and self-care/self-love. You will get clarity on how self-care is different from selfishness.


In my opinion, if a person provides care and love to oneself as a special priority (first preference), gives the same care and love to others as compassion from the heart, and is genuinely happy about doing it, then it is self-care.


Because when a person is able to understand themselves fully, they can understand and help others compassionately.

Whereas, selfishness is when care, love, and every priority is always focused on oneself, never given to others, and they never think about others' situations/feelings ever.


I hope, now,  you get a little bit of clarity about the topic.  Let's consider a situation:


For instance, look at this situation👉: "You are exhausted and feel like you need a rest. At that time, someone from your family or your company asks you to help or do work. What will be your reaction?🤔"

If your priority is your work, then your answer will be, "As the request/order is from the family, I will ignore it and take a rest. If it's from the company, I will reluctantly accept the work."

If your priority is your family, you will work for your family even though you are exhausted, and you will ignore the company's additional work.


So, in either case, you are trying to sacrifice your rest (self-care) for your family/your work. You ignore your feelings and the care that you have to give for yourself.


Do you think that it is right?

What will happen when you do this often?🤔

You will get irritated about your life! Soon you will show your irritation to everyone around you. It may also create a guilty feeling of showing such concomitant reactions (accompanying these annoyances) inadvertently towards everyone and sometimes towards yourself.

So what can you do about it? 🤔


Just respect your bodily feelings. If your body shows you signs of needing rest, give it. Convey to the person who requested your help that you need time to help him or you couldn't do it.  Convey your side of things/feelings briefly (no need to share your personal feelings with everyone). Bring out the boldness to say 'no' whenever it is necessary to say! Stand for yourself first. Then you can happily stand for others🙂


Now, take a look at yet another situation👇 and give me your answer. Ready?!


You are at your home, just slouched on your sofa or bed to rest after a whole day of work.  Immediately you hear your name from your mom/father/husband/wife/children to help them (it is not an emergency). What will be your words to them?


Will your answer be, "I'm feeling a little tired. I need rest. After taking a rest, I will join you/do that work for you. Love you!?".

If so, this is for you👏👏👏


Now, the call is from your boss for the same situation. What will be your words to your boss?


Will it be like this👉 " Thanks for your opportunity, sir. Could I do this work after an hour, sir?"


If so, again this is for you👏👏👏

So when you give preference to yourself first, only then you can do things from the heart. When you do things from the heart, you can see your originality in the work as to how energetic you are, how kind you are, how polite you are, how patient you are, etc… you can find the good qualities that you haven't seen so far!!🤗


Also, hereafter, notice the results of your work when you do it reluctantly. Just notice whether the results are favorable for you or not.


Because if you think back and recollect some places where you've worked (either for yourself or others) reluctantly by compromising your peace, you'd see that you've not respected your feelings and needs. The whole effort seems wasted and like a huge, regretful mistake.

Have you ever felt like this? If so, hereafter be aware of it, do things only from the heart and not by hurting yourself!! You are more precious than anything else. Respect yourself first! Then you can expect the same from others🙂


Also, while making decisions during the time of getting offers (opportunities) or requests to help others, don't immediately say "yes". Tell them that you'll let them know your answer within a day. Give yourself a bit of time to make the decision. Give space for yourself in your availability for others. 


When you say 'yes' all the time to all the offers/requests, it would create the impression that you are always available and that people can exploit you for their purpose and work all the time. Is that what you need?🤔


Take a day as the time for consideration before you commit to a (new) work or anyone's work or anything else that is important or not! Here, the important note is to take care of yourself from the unnecessary burden of doing more work than is needed !!


Hence, respecting yourself and your feelings will always take you to a place where you can see that you are respected by many people!😇

Love yourself! You can see that people around you will start to like you!!😊

Have a lovely day!

Vazhga valamudan.

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