Accept, Ignore, and change.


Vazhga valamudan pure-hearted souls,

I hope you are all safe🙂

Today, we are going to discuss a few more concepts of Self-Love.

I hope the previous articles "Self-Love: Part 1 and Self-Love: Part 2" might have helped you in some ways to see positive changes within you and very soon in your life😊

In part 1 of Self-love, I mentioned that keeping yourself happy will help you confront unwanted situations/energies/things easily.

In this article, let's see how one can confront situations adroitly. For this, bear the following three options in your mind:

1. Accept 

2. Ignore

3. Change(your mind)

The above options can be used according to your situation. 

■When can you accept one's attitude or things that make you feel unpleasant?🤔

First, you have to remember that you can't change anyone for your happiness and it is not your job to do so. Instead, it is easy for you to change your mind/ mindset

So, simply, accept the situation or people's attitude as something that cannot be changed instantly. Once you remind yourself about it, you will be able to change your mindset and move forward in your life.

👉For instance, you aim to become a prominent dancer. You are participating in a dance competition and showing your talents to the best of your ability. But the judges are not satisfied with your dance as much as you expected. 

Here, instead of worrying, just accept their remarks about your dance sportively, and work on it. Remember, situations of this kind remind you that you are more talented than you think. Search your originality inwardly. Bring it back outwardly with your strong confidence. 

Remember, self-confidence can bring anything into your life. Self-confidence harnesses the force of the law of attraction to make things turn out well for you. Because the law of attraction works on intensive things where we concentrate. Confidence gives more focus on our aims intensively. This will make the Universe help you achieve anything that you want in your life🙃

So, love yourself and help yourself achieve anything that you want in your life. Keep people around you happy with your happiness😇

■Secondly, you can accept situations as they are, especially health. If you need healing, accept that you need love and care for healing and don't worry about it and don't let it give unpleasant emotions to you.

Whenever you are ill, never act unpleasantly towards you or anyone. Simply give love towards you and the body part which needs healing. Your love can heal anything (within you) that needs to be healed. 

Just ask yourself this👉: if your love, care, and kind words can heal or help someone during times of despondency and/or recover from their illness, then why not do the same thing for yourself???🤔

Just accept that you need healing love and not stress, worry, etc. When you happily accept that you need help (healing) and start to love yourself, you can see speedy improvement in your health which happens merely with your pure love towards oneself!😇 

Note: Don't expect others to give love or care as you can do it for yourself. Never allow yourself to get upset by others' reactions towards you! 

Okay, now that you have accepted to give love towards you for your health, how can you give love to the self?🤔

That is also simple!🙃 Just place your hand on the required region of your body and talk to it. Are you thinking like, "What should I talk about with it?"?🤔

Well! Let me explain:

If someone tells you that they are ill about the same region in the body, what will be your words? Your words might be, "Don't worry! Soon you will get healed. Trust in miracles". Right?

Likewise, do this for yourself. Try this now👇:

Place your hands on your body where you need healing ( if you need healing for the whole body, place your hands on your heart). 

Say this, "Hi, dear. You are healthy. I believe in you. I'm strong and I'm extremely healthy. So you too will be healthy then, right? Thank you for accepting my love that can heal you very soon. Thank you for your love for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for my Magical health. Vazhga valamudan." 

You might ask me the question: ''Will it be possible to see positive changes in my body with this kind of attitude?"

My answer is: "Yes."

Because your body can react to your words either positively and negatively according to your thoughts, feelings, etc. Hence, wisely choose positive words and energies and give higher (positive) vibrations to your body which can heal your body gradually or instantly (up to your intention of the intensity to be healed).

My readers, our physical body consists of 70% water. Also, we know that water can change its structure according to the vibrations given to it. So always use positive words, energies, etc. This, in turn, reflects positive vibrations to the water content of your body and makes positive changes in your body. 

Most medical miracles happen because of people's positivity😇🙃 

So it is necessary to give positivity to yourself whenever it is needed.

■Now, let's see, where can you ignore things/persons/ person's attitudes/situations?🤔

Let me explain it with a situation.

👉For instance, you are about to start a new business where you feel more confident in your skills and talents. But people around you have started to discourage your idea in the name of care, protection, and some even criticize you and your talents as they are envious of your idea/desire.

What will you do in this case?? Will you ignore others' words about you and your talents?? Or will you relinquish your desire to start a new business and humiliate yourself and your talent???

If your answer is: " I will ignore and move on to start my business confidently as I believe in myself," then this is for you! 👏👏👏

People don't know about you as to how talented you are. You are the one who thoroughly sees yourself - through happiness and despair and only you know how you confront challenges confidently and how stronger you are now than before!!! 

So, always stand up for yourself. Never relinquish your desires because of others' criticism and their opinions of you or your talent. 

Trust in your opinion about yourself. That is what is going to decide what you want to have in your life. So everything is in your hands. Use it wisely!! 

Remember, if you don't stand up for yourself, then who will stand for you?? And how can you expect others to take a stand for or support you??

Respect your feelings always! Help yourself to achieve things that make you happy and your family proud of you!!😊

■Third, when do you have to use the option "change"?🤔

Whenever there is a need to change a situation or outcome, you have to change your mind or mindset. It could be somewhere you want to prove something that is contrary to others' opinion of you (without even accepting or ignoring their words/situations). Just try to change your mind to prove to yourself and others that you are talented. 

👉Assuming for instance, that since childhood, one has been a person who is afraid of public speaking. So you have been ignored when it comes to communication matters. But you know that you are good at communication and you have noticed it many times. At the same time, as it is given to you from childhood that you are afraid to communicate, you started believing it, and it has registered into your subconscious mind strongly. Later, as an adult, you realize your original ability to communicate and start analyzing it. And you ask yourself: why did I accept society's words about my communication and not allow myself to freely communicate until now?? 🤔

What will be your decision here?

You have to think, it's not wrong to be born with defects or faults in the body, but if you die with the same thing either without changing it or doing something with it as achievement, that becomes wrong in your lifetime which can give you a long time guilty feelings!!!!!

So, what do you decide? If your decision is: "to help yourself communicate freely from your heart to everyone whom you have/want to and stop being reluctant", then you are smart and are going to inspire many people.

In this way, many people are inspiring us in many ways. So again, respect yourself and your feelings more than anything else

Take efforts to change your mind, like, using affirmation and Visualization. You can also give tasks for yourself to be done in a day to overcome your fear. Gently care and motivate yourself.

Help yourself to feel proud of yourself and make your family and friends proud of you!

Be an inspirational person to this world!!

I believe this article may help you to confront your situations adroitly! 

All the best for the future!

I wish all my readers to have abundance in their life with their confidence and care towards them. Let them make people around them proud of them😇

Vazhga Valamudan.

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