Relax before making a decision!


Self-Love: Part 4

Making decisions

Vazhga valamudan pure-hearted souls,

I hope you are safe and healthy🙂

So far, we have been discussing Self-Love in the previous articles( Part 1, Part 2, Part 3). I believe those articles might have helped you in some ways.

Today, we are going to discuss the next part of Self-Love. Yes, it is about how to make decisions

You may ask me:  "Is this a significant topic under Self-Love?"

My answer is: " Yes."

It is obvious that making the right decisions in all situations is also a form of Self-Love.

Let me elaborate:

Do you make decisions by yourself regarding all your things? Or do you depend on someone to guide you or direct you to take the right actions or decisions? Are you someone who follows or accepts someone else's suggestion for you even though you have your opinion about things? And that could worry you as "why do I choose this option??". Have you ever blamed others because you neglected your own opinions and accepted their suggestions as your final decision??

Have you ever faced these kinds of unpleasant situations when you followed or accepted others' suggestions as your decision?

If so, this article is for you!.

Whenever a situation arises where you have to make a decision, try to give yourself at least a day's time.

During the time of making a decision, keep your head and heart free, so that it guides you to the right path.

Keeping your head and heart free means that you don't think a lot about the decision or the particular situation where you have to make a decision. Merely relax by saying to your mind that, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the guidance to make the right decision for this thing." Also, visualize yourself as " You are smiling in happiness as you give yourself a congratulatory pat for your right decision."

After this, keep yourself free from unpleasant things. Do something where you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Doing all these will help you make the right decision.

Never blindly follow/ accept others' decisions. That would hurt you when it doesn't work for you. Because when you make decisions given by others without analyzing them, it will make you blame them for suggesting their ideas to you. It will wound you a lot. It may take many days for you to overcome things that would be the consequences of their suggestions.

Never allow such things/ feelings into your life. Even if you get suggestions from others to make a decision, you analyze from the heart for yourself. Then after the analysis, if you feel comfortable with the same suggestion given by others, you can make it as a decision. But remember, in this kind of situation, you should not blame that person whose suggestion you took as a decision if it doesn't work. 

Never blame the people in your life. You are responsible for the change that you decide to make. Even if you decide to go with another's suggestion, take accountability for your own decisions and fortify your mind to confront anything that may come afterwards.

My dear readers, it's your responsibility to confront things that happen because of your decisions. Fix this in your mind whenever you make decisions. This kind of attitude will show you how strong you are in handling things. Also, it will help you to correct the path which has gone wrong. 

Moreover, while making decisions, prepare a few options to accept the upcoming situations.

For instance, there is an announcement at your company about a project presentation. It gives a chance to employees to get a promotion. For this, you have decided to participate in it.  

Then, you can formulate some options like the ones suggested below:

OPTION A:  If I win, I will get a promotion.

OPTION B: If not, I should move on by analyzing the mistakes that I have made and improve them.
OPTION C: Look at the lessons that I have learned from it and try again next time. 

When you have options like this, it won't hurt you a lot as you fix or train your mind to handle anything that comes your way positively. 

Also, you should not overthink any of these options once you make them. Your intention should only be on participating in the project to show your talent to the fullest.

Remember, you are the best competitor for yourself. You have to beat earlier versions of yourself daily and endeavor to be a better person in every attempt that you make.

Never compare you with anyone. Try to compare yourself with how you were in the past and how you are now. If you can notice slight positive changes within you, you can give yourself an applause 👏👏👏

Always compare yourself with how you were in the past. I repeat, YOU ARE YOUR ONLY COMPETITOR. Your aim must be to beat yourself and make yourself a stronger person than before. 

When you do this, over a period of time, you will be able to see the best version of yourself🤩

So, see yourself like a King/Queen who can manage anything adroitly and move forward bravely. 

You can achieve anything when you believe in yourself. Take responsibility for everything that belongs to you. Stay strong that you can do anything and change anything if it needs to.  

Trust in yourself. And so, give yourself a chance to make the right decisions for your life.  Accept and confront competently anything that comes after your decision. 

Have the guts to accept your mistake. When you do so, you can have the willpower to change or correct it.

Boldly live your life with your decisions. Stand up for yourself and your decision. Gently care and love yourself. Heal yourself whenever it is needed.  

I wish you all a successful life with happiness, peace, money, love, protection, care, success, and all good things. 

Vazhga valamudan.

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