Sacrifice Vs Adjustment


Part 5:


Vazhga Valamudan, pure-hearted souls,

Welcome to Magical Power of Faith! 

I hope you are all safe and healthy🙂.

Today we shall discuss the next part of Self-Love. Also, I believe the previous parts of Self-Love (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) may have helped you in some ways. 

Okay, let's see the next part of self-love. Since childhood, we all have heard that we must adjust for things among the family members to have peace.


Many of us follow this for everything and lose happiness. Some may apply this only in a few cases. 

But what is your opinion about adjusting with regard to all cases in your life?🤔 Did it give you peace of mind? Are you enjoying adjusting?🤔

Do you know clearly whether you are adjusting or sacrificing things in your life for others?🤔

What is the actual difference between Adjustment and Sacrifice?🤔 Any guesses???🧐

Okay, let me explain here:

In my opinion, Adjustment is something where you feel happy adjusting for something or someone! Whereas, Sacrifice is something where you don't feel happiness adjusting for something or someone!!

Did you get it now? When you feel happy adjusting or giving up something, then it is an adjustment. If not, then you are sacrificing your happiness for something or someone. 

For instance, assume you are an elder brother and you have a younger sister. On a particular evening, your parents or relatives have bought sweets and snacks for you both. While having it, your sister finishes her share and wants some more. So she asks you to give some snacks. But you would like to finish your sweets and snacks as your stomach hasn't filled yet. At the same time, you could see your sister's longingness to eat snacks. So you decide to give some to her. 

So what will you do? 🤔 

You will give some of your snacks by saying, "I too like to eat, dear. So I will give you a few of mine, you have it". This will make her feel happy and you too feel the happiness of giving snacks with full of love from the heart. 

From the above situation, we can find that the brother adjusts with sister in giving some more snacks for his sister. But he didn't sacrifice any here. Why?🤔

The answer is: He did the adjustment with love😇 and not with any kind of pain.

So you can adjust when you like to do the same with love and kindness.

Let's see another situation now:

For instance, your ambition is to become a prominent fashion designer. But your family asks you to choose Teaching profession. You are very ambitious to become the best fashion designer in the world. Also, you believe in yourself, that you have great skills in fashion designing. But your parents/spouse/relatives insist you to not take the fashion designer field. 

What will you do in this kind of situation?🤔

  1. Will you abandon your aim of becoming a fashion designer and choose Teaching profession for your family? (Or)

  2. Will you stand up firmly for yourself to take a better step for your goals?🤔 

If you choose the first option, you are sacrificing your dream for your family. Because you won't be happy doing this. Also, you might end up giving yourself a guilty feeling while giving happiness to your family. 

Is this called self-love??? 🤔

If you choose the second option, you are standing up for yourself and making your family adjust for your happiness. Later, your success will make them happy. 

This is a very good choice. Because, as you believe in you and your skills firmly, you can make your family happy with your success when you make them accept (adjust) your aim🙃.

Did you notice something?? When you stand up for yourself, there is happiness on both sides (you and others around you)😃

At first, they may not be happy with your desires, but later with your success, you can make them happy with your choices. So bravely move forward and live your life for yourself. 

When you live for and love yourself, you do not only make yourself happy but also others around you!!

If you think that you don't want to hurt others by not adjusting or sacrificing and hurting yourself, then you can see that there is only one side of happiness -  and that is also for those who are around you, not for you!!!. 

You might say that by seeing their happiness, you will be happy forever. But the fact is, your heart knows that you are not living your life for you and therefore you cannot be truly happy!!

What I'm saying is, live for yourself and make people around you happy! I don't mean that you have to hurt others for your wish. You simply have to make them understand your side of views about your passion and your life. When you do this confidently, definitely at a certain time/period, your family will support you and give their love for you. For this, you have to make them proud of you with your success in your desired field. 

So, never feel guilty about doing things for your own happiness. Instead, make it a huge success with your positive thoughts, self-confidence, and skills. Make your family proud of you. 

On seeing your success, they will regret their opposition. So work on your dreams confidently. Feel proud of yourself for walking towards your dreams. This will make your people feel proud of you at the right time.

Sacrificing all the time will make you feel like you are not living a fulfilling life. It will make you feel that you are somewhere where you are not suited /worthy to live. And, this will make you feel that you do not have a purpose and that your existence in this world is meaningless. 

So adjust in situations where you and your people both feel happy, but don't merely adjust where only others are happy and not you!!

Respect your feelings just like how you would respect people's feelings. Love yourself. Gently care for yourself. Always do things that you love, from the bottom of your heart. 

Make yourself and your people proud of your success😇!

All the very best for your bright future!

Vazhga valamudan.

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