Talk to your body!




Talk to your body:

Talk to your body!  

Vazhga valamudan, my dear pure souls,

Welcome to Magical Power of Faith!


I hope you are all good and safe.

We've come across 5 parts of Self-Love so far. They are: sacrifice vs adjustment, relax before making decisions, self-care is not selfish, accept, change, and ignore, and self-love.


In this article, we will discuss yet another fascinating topic under Self-Love, "TALK TO YOUR BODY." 

I've made this article from my experiences that I have earned by giving love to my body, blessing it, and having trust and confidence in it.

Let me know if this concept works for you all too! Tell your opinion in the comment section after trying out this method. 

Now, let's deep dive into the concept:


In one of my articles, we saw that talking to plants with love and blessing them makes them grow stronger, healthier, and faster than other plants that grow with usual pesticides and other stuff. ( Let me give the article here for reference: An experiment on agricultural land)


So, from this, we can raise the following questions: 


▪︎If plants can hear and act accordingly, what about our human body that functions incredibly?


▪︎What will happen when one talks to their body deliberately with love? Will there be any reactions to it?


▪︎We know the law of attraction - whatever a person thinks/speaks/does frequently registers in his mind, then in the Universe, and then it reflects in his life. 


Likewise, does the body also listen to one's thoughts, actions, words, etc., and start acting according to it?


The answer to the above questions is, "Yes!"




Of course! Your body listens and reflects accordingly because of the following points:  


1. Everything in the Universe is in the form of energy that includes living, non-living things, natural elements, and other resources.

2. Our body has the systematic format of natural elements (skin- soil; blood-water; temperature- heat; breath-air; body-sky).

3. It is a scientific fact that the human body consists of 70% water; also, we know that water can change its structure and act according to the energies and vibrations near it.


Altogether, we can conclude that we, humans, are closely connected with the Universe in the form of energy; that is why we have to be aware of whatever we do, think, speak, and write. It's always better to be optimistic in all things.


In addition to this, as per the 3rd point mentioned above, our human body has water content in it, and it will absorb and make changes in our body according to what we think/speak/do. 

(For more details: read this water article👉Water therapy - Healing Power of Water

To watch on YouTube: Talk to your body- part 1.

Also, did you notice the difference between the effects of having a strong desire to get healed soon and the effects of thinking of the issues pessimistically?

Whenever you constantly think and speak negatively about your illness, your body hears it, and starts acting according to it. Due to this, your body's natural healing process will have a slow pace. As a result, either your body will take a long period to heal, or the illness may persist in the body.  

Whenever you strongly desire to get rid of the illness, and keep on increasing the intensity of your intention to get healed very soon through your words, thoughts, etc., you can see your body's natural healing power that heals you magically. (To read more 👉 human body's healing power)

Through our intensive intention of getting healed we can help our body regain its original state of perfect health.


So, now follow the instructions given below and read the words in quotes deliberately from the heart and talk to your body with love! Check what is your body's reaction to it:


1.Choose a region of your body that you would like to heal. 


2. Place your palm on it (it's up to your convenience and comfortability in choosing either hand).


If the place you choose is far behind, like, backside or somewhere you couldn't touch, then place your palm on your heart for this process! (you can also do this method for peace of mind by placing your hand on your heart! So, this method is suitable for both physical and mental health!)


Say this deliberately:

"You are loved! I believe that you're always healthy and strong. Thank you, thank you, thank you for accepting my love for you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for accepting divine love (or Universal love) for us. Thank you, thank you, thank you for showing your love for me and making me feel blessed and special now!😇

Thank you, thank you, thank you for accepting the instant magical healing for you! Thank you, thank you, thank you for always being extremely healthy! I love you, I always love you!"



Finished reading? What did you feel right away?🤔


Did you feel any positive changes/ energy in it or within you?


If so, congratulations, you've made it! 😇


I use this method even for the smallest hit on the body; it works for me all the time. 


I have referred this method for people who suffer pain; they also feel better and start to see good changes in their bodies.


Whenever I hit somewhere inadvertently, I immediately give my love for the place that was hit! The pain disappears magically.


Because my intention of getting healed is stronger than the effect of pain, and it works all the time. 


Lesser intent = late or no healing. 

Higher intent = magical healing.

Your love not only mitigates the pain; but it eradicates or makes the pain disappear.

Besides this, to give more love, I pat the particular area by thinking of it as a child and utter the above-mentioned words and console it to get healed! 


Miraculously, whenever I do this, I see good results in my body the way I treat it and give love to it.


I consider my body regions as children. I always care for them gently. Once I find the right steps of action to take, I start following them for my children (body/ its regions) to get them healed soon. 


So, my dear readers, think once, if you want your body to always respect your feelings of being healthy, likewise, you also have to respect your body to be healthy! Right?🤔


For instance, 


If you need healing for your tooth, try to give your solemn love to it.


Give your whole love to it and trust that they will obey you and accept your concern for it.


Also, whenever you eat, bless your (teeth) 32 children to be healthy, and thank them for being healthy. 


Remember, it is necessary to show love to everything related to teeth, such as, your gums, tongue, and nerves (nervous system). If you would like to add any other region like ears and head, go ahead!


It is indispensable to encourage them frequently (say the above statements) if you want to see good improvement in them soon. Also, whenever you eat hard things, and whenever you feel down about them or watch any ads regarding teeth negatively or anything that reminds you about your teeth and their health, talk to your teeth that you are always healthy and never think of others (as how we speak to and console a person who needs healing and love).


For instance, if you want to grow your hair longer and thicker then start loving your hair as how it is and bless it to become strong and healthy. Whenever you comb, apply oil, wash, etc., talk to it about its improvements and ask it to grow in the way you wish. Say your wish to it with love. Never concentrate on hair falling; instead bless your hair whenever you see such a thing. Do this confidently! You will see a good development in it! 😇 (To read more about this 👉 How a young women's positivity and blessing changed her hair growth from sparse into abundant)

Last but not least, besides all these loving and patting, if you frequently visualize the desired outcomes while doing the above process, it will show you amazing effects on enhancement of the body health or the particular region. 

I already posted an article on this. It is about a young girl healing her irregular periods into regular one with this method of giving love and blessings to her body with Visualization.😃


Henceforth, it's up to your mind to decide whether healing should take place or not. Even if you believe that medicine or any other method can heal you, give love to your body and gently care for yourself. Never be harsh on yourself for matters of health.


If you are not ready to care for yourself with love, how can you expect others to understand your side of illness and give love to you?? Let alone others, how can you expect your body to love you if you don't care for it? 


So, first, care for your body when it gets an injury! Talk to it as how you would speak to an injured child to get healed. Your love can heal that wound, and in turn you!


Hence, talk to, pat, and give love to your body with the Visualization that you are already healthy. Your intensive intention on your health status will change anything to make and keep you healthy forever. 


Moreover, it doesn’t mean that you have to talk to your body only when it is suffering or is badly affected. You can also talk to it to show your gratitude for its beautiful appearance. Appreciate its improvement in the healing process, its lovable reactions to your wish for them, etc. Thank it daily for keeping you alive to fulfill your life purposes till now.


Be grateful for your body always!


Magic and Miracles happen only to those who believe in them! 


Your love can heal anything and anyone! 


Spread love to yourself first, then to the world! 


Vazhga valamudan. 

To know more: FAQ - TALK TO YOUR BODY

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