Menstruation - Talk to your body!

Vazhga valamudan, pure-hearted souls,

Welcome to Magical Power of Faith!

I hope you are fine and doing good!

We've already discussed the beautiful concept 'talk to your body' which I've written based on my experiences. To recollect, the concept is that talking to one's body lovingly and deliberately will bring many positive changes to their body!

Today we will see an interesting thing that can be useful for young girls and women during their menstrual times. 

We all know and have heard that periods aren't peaceful/ comfortable for most women, right?? 

So, to avoid the menstrual cramps and to enjoy the menstrual cycles, what can you do🤔? Simple, just talk to your uterus, and the reproductive system. 

Wondering how? 

Read the previous article, you will get an idea regarding this concept of talking and patting your body for good improvement.

As I know very well that my body listens to me and acts according to my thoughts and feelings, I do this during my menstruation to have peaceful days during that time. So, this article is also merely from my experiences and I hope this may help at least some of my readers! 

Now coming back to the topic, how can you talk to your uterus/ reproductive system?

Place your hands on the region of your uterus (below the navel) and pat it gently with the below words:

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for accepting the divine/Universal love for us. Thank you, thank you, thank you for accepting my love for you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for showing your love towards me. I TRUST YOU! You are always healthy and thanks for giving me healthy, peaceful, comfortable, and blessed periods this/next month and always."

You can do this whenever you get reminded of periods/ menstruation. Also, do this before the period's symptoms (PMS) occur. You can also thank your uterus for the present month's peaceful period days, and ask them to help for the next month and for the future too.

Your words of love and motivation make your uterus healthy and healed. Besides, you need to provide healthy food and water properly to your body in order to keep it forever healthy.

Moreover, when you follow this method, as per your affirmation, you can see your body's love for you intuitively. For instance, it may ask you to have more water than usual on the days before your periods arrive, or it may ask you to have an oil bath, take some Fenugreek, etc… This is your body's way of requesting you to do the needful.

Try to listen to its guidance keenly and follow. Don't forget that your body has its own doctor who can make magical healing within you! 

For more ideas about it, here is my body's guidance for me (to keep my body's temperature balanced during and before menstruation). They are:

  • To have Fenugreek (with/without water) 3 days before the start of my periods.

  • Apply a few drops of castor oil (in Tamil 'velakkennai') on the navel and foot ( if the body is too heated/ warmer than usual, put a drop of it on the center of the head) before sleep.

To balance the temperature of my body, my body reminds and warns me with its care of the above two things before menstruation days. This is because I get uncomfortable if my body's temperature is unbalanced (heat). This is my care for my body.

Likewise, your body knows what you must do to have peaceful and comfortable periods. Ask it to guide you. Talk to it. 

For example, some girls have stomach cramps, some have leg pain, and some others get back pain, etc… So, give the matter thoroughly to your body and you simply give it love, proper food, and water, and learn to listen to its needs intuitively. Follow its guidance carefully.

Also, always treat your body as your child; a good child who always wishes for you to be a healthy person. Share all your wishes ( health) with your body. Ask them to assist with your wishes. Trust that they also want you to be healthy always. Be liberal and comfortable with your body- remember that it is yours and yours alone. When you do so, you will start seeing their improvement gradually/instantly.

From this day on, start loving your body. Tell your body how useful it is for you in many ways. Be thankful for it. Say these most powerful and respected words, "I TRUST YOU ALWAYS. YOU ARE HEALTHY, I KNOW!"

Don't concentrate on pain or uncomfortable things that happen in your body. Just pat the particular place where you feel discomfort and say the affirmations given above. Show your love towards them. Believe that your love can heal your body. You can see gradual improvements in your body. Notice what your body says to you and act accordingly. Respect it and love it. 

If you don't respect and love your body, then how will others do the same?🤔

Try this awesome method and let me know in the comment section whether it helps you or not!

I wish my readers to have a healthy, peaceful, and blessed life!

Vazhga Valamudan!

To know more: FAQ - TALK TO YOUR BODY

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