Vazhga valamudan, pure-hearted souls,

Welcome to Magical Power of Faith!

Today I'm going to share with you an experience where I felt the impact of Visualization and Affirmations massively! 

Before going into the day of my beautiful magical experience, you may need to know a few things regarding it: 

The story is about how I got my two-wheeler license successfully even though I didn't know how to handle a scooter, especially, a Wego scooter ( In India, it is called "scooty").

Besides, I used to drive only a TVS Champ (moped) that we had since my childhood. I didn't learn/have the confidence to drive our Wego scooter, as my first experience on it was trashy. I felt it wouldn't suit me, therefore I didn't even attempt it anymore and started hating to drive it. This made me feel uncomfortable and I had no confidence in any other scooters too; I didn't try other weightless ones which a person could handle easily.  

Hope I've given a clear context. Let's move on to the real story.

It was the starting week of December 2021; I was planning to apply for both the four-wheeler and two-wheeler licenses. 

I was confident about getting four-wheeler driving licenses as I went to car driving class. Yet, I was not confident about 2 wheeler.  Because at the time of applying, there arose a complicated, inevitable situation where I had to use the scooter for applying for the licenses😒, instead of my trusty TVS moped.

I was very anxious about the two-wheeler test where one has to drive the vehicle in the assigned track, which is in the shape of the numeric "8", without placing one's feet on the ground until completion of the task🙄. Only then we will be declared as having passed the driving test.

At first, I gave a try with the Tvs champ to start with a vehicle in which I felt comfortable during those days. But when I couldn't make a  successful 8 with Tvs champ itself, I was heart-broken at that time. So I was worried a lot about making it successful with our Wego scooter which I felt that it was too heavy.

It was then that I decided to get both two and four-wheeler licenses successfully in the first attempt itself. I was totally determined to do it. 

I kept on practicing with our scooter in my locality (by evening) and in the RTO ground (by early morning) for a week to correctly drive in an 8-shaped pathway. 

In the beginning, for a few days, I was unable to make it a success and was worried a lot. But everyday, I would finish my practice only after I felt satisfied with that day's practice. 

Moreover, I started affirming more powerful affirmations on my driving skills. 


1. While driving to the RTO spot for practicing, I used to affirm strongly, "I drive the two-wheeler adroitly and make the successful "8" there; I'm supported divinely."

2. While practicing in the given space in the RTO (track in the shape of "8" where I will be tested), I started affirming, "Thank you, thank you, thank you for the magic, my dear god". ( This is a MAGICAL STATEMENT in my opinion that contains Magic in it!)

3. Also, whenever I felt low about the test or regarding the practice, I repeated a strong statement within me, "I can do this; I believe in myself strongly. I trust you, Malathi". This built a strong basement for my confidence level about my driving skills.

All these statements created a huge magic in my practice sessions and brought confidence in me and my driving skills. I could see drastic changes in my driving skills thereafter, where I could make the 8 with my vehicle adroitly.

Then, to make my wish even more stronger, I started visualizing before I sleep

Here is the impact of Visualization when it is used correctly.

When I tried to visualize the successful "8" in the given space, I was unable to imagine it at one turning/curve of the "8". It made me a little stressed and fearful thoughts arose that I wouldn't make it on the test day also.

Then, I was reminded about my usual visualization method: visualizing with my happy smile that I have reached the output of the event as I desired. That is, I had to visualize that I am reaching the finishing point with the same scooter and with MY HAPPY SMILE which shows my achievement.

From that moment, I started visualizing the same whenever I felt low about the driving test and also before I sleep at night!"

On the test day, it was my turn to drive. I started my scooter with the statement, "Thank you, thank you, thank you for the magic, my dear god". I continued the statement even while I was driving in the given space "8". 

Shockingly, at one turn of the "8", I was unable to move the bike perfectly on the curve. It was exactly like how it was happend in my first Visualization that I was unable to turn at one place😶. I thought that I was going to place my leg on the ground. Yet I was repeating the magical statement, right? So there existed magic for me. Because automatically the scooter turned and it finished its work impeccably😁. It happened in the same way as I had visualized ( the second one where I used my usual method) it. That is, after finishing the test, I was coming out to the entrance with a happy smile😄. 

So, from this experience, you can understand that when the Visualization process has a happy feeling or vibrations, it gives powerful energy to our desires to make it happen in reality. 

Thereafter, I passed the four-wheeler test too.

Hence, I got both the two- and four-wheeler licenses successfully with so many beautiful life lessons. 

I hope the story about Visualization and Affirmations may help you as to how the aforesaid methods have to be used correctly.

I wish you all the success in your life, my dear readers.

Vazhga valamudan.

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