5 effective ways to calm yourself instantly

5 effective ways to calm yourself instantly:

Vazhga valamudan, pure-hearted souls, 

Welcome to Magical Power of Faith!

I hope you are all fine!

Today we are going to discuss 5 effective ways to calm yourself instantly during despondency. 

As we are humans, it's common to face unpleasant situations in life such as getting angry, feeling upset, getting depressed, facing disappointment, etc... 

Whatever unpleasant feelings come to you, it's your duty to overcome them immediately and keep yourself at peace. 

If you love to enjoy your life, never allow such unpleasant things to ruin your happiness in your life. 

For this, I have given 5 ways that can be used anywhere at any time whenever you are feeling despondent. All these five methods massively helped me in my life and also some other people's lives during despondency and henceforth, I'm giving them here for you confidently.

Try it and keep your life peaceful and cool 😎. 

Let's see the methods here one by one:

1. Concentrate on your breath:

Whenever you are not feeling pleasant, immediately focus on your breath. Focusing on your breath helps you instantly feel peace in yourself.

This method is not only to be used during unpleasant times but also during your common activities like watching television, walking, listening to songs, traveling, etc...

Try to focus on your breath at least for 2 min daily for more effective results.

Focusing on your breath frequently will help you free yourself from depression, stress, anxiety, anger, etc..., and strengthen your heart, etc... In one line, we can say that you will be able to lead a healthy life thereafter

To watch on YouTube (with subtitles): Anger management: Do this for 2 min and cool yourself! 

Additional info: The actual correct way to breathe for a human is to breathe from the abdomen and not from the heart or throat. This technique is called as " Diaphragmatic Breathing". That's why yoga offers so many breathing exercises to strengthen the human body system with the correct breathing system. 

When we breathe from the abdomen we can connect with our higher self or divine. 

2. Say, "THANK YOU":

When you say, "Thank you" continuously in times of despondency, you can immediately notice positive energy fills your body. 

Also, saying this will bring not only positive energy but also magic in your life.

Saying 'thank you' merely shows your gratitude for your life. This will make the Universe send you a lot of good things in magical ways. 

So this is double damakaπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰!! 


To know more about it, read the articleπŸ‘‰: Being Grateful and saying, "Thank you".

Hence, saying "thank you" will not only change your mood instantly yet it also brings you so many magical surprises in your life thereafter. 

Let's see how to say it: 

It is very essential to know how you have to say "Thank you" during despondency. 

As you are going to use these words during your unpleasant times, to get positive energy instantly, it is mandatory to say these words SLOWLY. That is, for one second each, you can say, " Thank you", "Thank you",...

You can say it either 10 times or 21 times or more than it, it's up to you! 

But use it till you feel better!

To watch on YouTube: Feeling low? Say, "Thank you" like this!

3. My God is with me:

In my opinion, this statement is one of the awesome statements. I use this statement more and more, as much as possible, like while driving, singing all songs with these words, while doing serious things, during anxiety, etc...

So, if you are a God believer, you can use this statement confidently whenever you feel uncomfortable or unpleasant.

This statement will guide you on how to handle your situation and find solutions effectively. 

While saying this statement you might not feel any improvement in yourself instantly, yet you will be triggered to take the right actions thereafter for your situation.

Whenever you say this statement while doing work, that work will always be done in an effective way that will make you feel surprised at how it has been done by you adroitly.

Also, you can use this statement whenever you go for a health check-up for treatment. Saying this statement during the check-up will surprise a lot about the results after the check-up.

That is, you can notice that the result will always be favorable for you which surprises both doctor and you😁!

4. Say your favorite God's name:

You can say your favorite God's name 21 times during despondency. This will distract you from your unpleasant situations or feelings immediately and be strongly connected to spirituality.

Why is it 21 timesπŸ€”?

Because when you count your God's name, it's easy for your heart and mind to get diverted and allow your body and mind to feel the energy of your God's name.

Then, as you know, like usual, spirituality will start bringing lots of positive changes within you first and then in your life. 

5. Bubble method:

I have already posted this method in one of my articles titled "8 ways to balance oneself during despondency"

All these above methods have helped and help me all the time whenever I use them in my life. I also have suggested all these methods to some people who also feel the same that I felt.

Hence, confidently try all these methods and choose the best one for you. And use it whenever you need it!

All the best!

Wishing my readers a very happy, peaceful, healthy, and abundantly blessed wealthy life! 

Vazhga valamudan.

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