4C FORMULA: Do exercise πŸ‹πŸ‹‍♀️ like thisπŸ‘‡!

 Vazhga valamudan, pure-hearted souls,

Welcome to Magical Power of Faith!

I hope you are all fine πŸ™‚!

Today we are going to discuss an interesting topic on how to do exercise to get πŸ’―% results.

For this, I have introduced 4C FORMULA!

(To watch on YouTube: 4C FORMULA- Do exercise like this!)

It will help you understand how to exercise properly to attain effective results. 

To get πŸ’―% effective results through exercising, you should follow the below 4C along with your exercise instructions:





Let's see them one by one in detail:

1. Confidence:

Exercises have to be done with the confidence that they will help you to attain your destination.

Doing exercises with confidence (in exercise and in yourself) will help you achieve your goal very soon.

Because when you exercise confidently, it will help you start your day enthusiastically and it will always give you positive thoughts regarding your health. Then, positive thoughts and positive energy will always bring positive outcomes.

So, whatever your aim is, such as weight loss, healthy life, you have to believe that your exercise will help you reach your aim perfectly.


2. Concentration:

For exercise, Concentration is very essential. 

While exercising most people think- what do we have to do after finishing the exerciseπŸ€”, shall we go shoppingπŸ€”, what can we prepare for lunchπŸ€”, etc..

All these sorts of thoughts have to be avoided during exercise time.

Your Concentration should be merely on the body region to which you are giving the exercise

For instance, If you are doing hand exercise, your focus should be on the hands. If it is a leg exercise, the focus should be on the legs; for hip exercises, the focus should be on your hip, etc...

When you do so, you will be able to notice the reaction that happens in the body regions and your concentration will bring positive changes there.

Remember, wherever your Concentration (your thought) is, there forms energy accordingly to convert your thoughts into reality. In essence, your thoughts (Concentration) lead to actions. Hence, always Concentrate on what you want to have in your life. 

3. Comfortability:

Exercise always has to be done comfortably. 

If you are a person who always stresses and pressures yourself to do exercise accordingly, then remember, you won't get effective results for your work out.

You have to respect your body's feelings and have to act upon them.

For instance, in an exercise, there is a position where it has to be done for 30 sec but you are able to do only for 10 sec, then allow your body to hold the position for 10 sec for 2 days. From the 3rd day, automatically your body's flexibility will be enhanced gradually and you will be able to keep yourself in the same position for 15-20 sec. On the 5th day, it will be 25 sec. On the 7th day,  you can hold it for 30 sec. So, within 7 days, you will help your body to gain flexibility to hold the position correctly with your love and kindness towards your body. 

Hence, your body will reach its complete flexibility when you respect its feelings and condition, and act accordingly. 

When you do so, you will be able to notice that your body will start respecting your feelings by being flexible and healthyπŸ˜πŸ˜‡πŸ’ͺ.

4. Consistency:

Consistency is indispensable for exercise. 

Regular exercise will help you have a healthy, fit body

Doing exercises for once/twice/thrice a week or alternative days will not give you effective results.

Exercise has to be done regularly by following its instructions properly along with the above given 3 points. 

Thereafter, you can see so many positive changes in your body.

Hence, try to inculcate the above 4C FORMULA in your regular exercise and achieve your goal very soon.

All the very best.

Wishing my readers to live a healthy life forever. 

Let them do their exercise perfectly and achieve their goal magicallyπŸ˜‡!

Vazhga valamudan.


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