Hello, pure-hearted souls, 

Welcome to Magical Power of Faith!

Today we're going to see "how meditation brings peace of mind."


We all know that meditation helps one's life in all aspects - mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and also physically

So here I'd like to show how the ROOT CHAKRA (SANTHI, MOOLADHARAM) MEDITATION helps me whenever I need tranquility in my life.

Whenever I feel any of the lower energies (such as anger, disquiet, worry etc...) with regards to someone, immediately I do SANTHI meditation (manavalakalai) before even talking to anyone. This helps me to avoid unwanted clashes with people. 

Soon after finishing the meditation, I feel fresh mentally, which means I really feel the peace in my mind and  sometimes, during or after meditation I get solutions for the issues too. 

This helps me to be my usual self by showing unconditional love towards everyone - even to the person who made me feel the lower energy!

One can also do Santhi (root chakra or mooladharam) meditation when there is a health issue such as digestion problems, cold, fever, headaches, menstrual cramps, etc. Also, before sleeping, one can do santhi meditation to get good sleep.

The root chakra meditation not only gives us peace of mind, but also helps to be in that peaceful state during whatever meditations we do. 

Hence, I suggest that whenever your mind is disturbed by anything or anyone, immediately move to a room where you won't be disturbed by anyone, then close your eyes, and start to meditate till you reach a state of tranquility. If you are unable to find a space for yourself, then make use of earphones/headset and play soothing music while doing meditation. This prevents you from being distracted by things around you.

This process has helped people avoid troublesome issues at home and work place and showed them the unconditional love they can have towards everyone around them, which is very much needed in this world.

Hence, inculcate meditation in your life and do it whenever you feel that you have to keep yourself at peace. So that you can be kind and lovable towards others around you as everyone of us deserves unconditional love!

Let's together create a peaceful and lovable world; and let's start it from ourselves and our home😇!

If you agree this and need peace in our world, type, "Thanks for the peaceful world!"

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